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RUH-ROH! Richard Grenell expertly trolls Democrats with a new poll they do NOT want Americans to see (so you gotta share it!)

No wonder Cenk Uygur was all but begging Trump to just go ahead and drop out of the 2020 election.

Trump’s approval rating is back to 51% and his supporter’s enthusiasm is through the ROOF.


Take a look:


Richard Grenell shared this because you know, nobody should retweet or talk about it which only means we’re all going to talk about and retweet it. We’re starting to think the only tweep who can out-troll Richard is the president himself.

This was pretty damn good:

Richard just loves needling them.

Whoa, they talked to real people?

Get outta here.


Wait, what?

Awww … HA HA HA HA

They have NO idea.

Seems that way.

Let’s keep it up!



‘BOMBSHELL’: Raheem Kassam BUSTS CCP-linked and Soros/Gates backed group for actively working to swing election for Biden

Congrats, THIS is moronic! Bulwark’s Jim Swift proves his conservative CRED by shaming families who dare disobey the government

‘Sounds SCARED’: Cenk Uygur begging Trump to drop out tells us he knows something about Biden … and it ain’t good for Dems

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