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'Terrible lack of diversity': Ricky Gervais just DECIMATES Hollywood pandering to BLM in #ITakeResponsibility video and LOL

C’mon, you knew Ricky Gervais would call these fakes out.



He’s right.

Nothing like a bunch of white Hollywood frauds telling black Americans about how much they care. It’s also really interesting to hear them talk about what racist as*holes they’ve been in the past. You’d think one of them would have said, ‘Guys, this is seriously tone-deaf and embarrassing, are we sure we want to do this? I mean, hello, we’re in gated communities.’

This is almost as bad as when they got together to sing ‘Imagine’ from their mansions because they wanted the little people to know it was ok to be under house arrest due to a virus.



There ya’ go. That proved they REALLY cared.

Meat horns, that’s a new one.

He does indeed.

The rest of you can go home now.



Shady AF: Catherine Herridge shares screenshots showing FBI used Steele dossier they KNEW wasn’t credible for multiple warrants

Class is in SESSION: Ilhan Omar tries picking a fight with Ted Cruz over Columbus statue, gets History lesson she WON’T forget

‘Like interviewing a 12-year-old.’ Brit Hume sums up AOC’s interview about defunding the police in 1 PERFECT tweet

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