Monday Morning Meme Madness
Alexander Vindman Sounds Off and It's Just As Bad As His Wife
The Only Way to Put an End to the Democratic Party's Dangerous Rhetoric...
Lester Holt Suggests the Latest Assassination Attempt Against Trump Was His Own Fault
Bulwark BLOWHARD Sam Stein Lies Through His Teeth About J.D. Vance, Gets Bitten...
This One Unbelievable Election Factoid Says it All About This Crazy Election
In the Wake of Second Attempted Trump Shooting, a Video Emerges of Kamala...
It's Not Just Springfield: ALARMING List of Problems Caused by Illegal Immigrant Invasion...
Now That He's Been Shot at AGAIN, Here Is Some of the MOST...
Government Thinks You're Stupid: TOTES Legit Anti-Haitian KKK Flyer Is Definitely Not a...
WATCH: Local Sheriff Verifies That Trump is Getting LESS PROTECTION Than Joe Biden
REPORT: Second Trump Shooter Has Been Identified (And We THINK We Have His...
DBags at MSNBC Quick to Blame Trump and HIS Rhetoric for Second Assassination...
You Scared, Fauxcahontas? Elizabeth Warren Warns of 'Profoundly Serious Consequences' If T...
Remember When David Muir Said Crime Was Down? Yeah, About That: NYC Subway...

THIS! Brit Hume shares article proving governors NOT following the 'one-size-fits all' lockdown model are doing it RIGHT

Brit Hume once again finds a way to cover a side of the states opening that our dear, good, sweet, totally unbiased (ha ha ha ha ha) friends in the media can’t be bothered to cover, and that’s the SUCCESSES these governors are having.


Even the Wall Street Journal claimed Governor DeSantis may just be ‘lucky’ in Florida … until you actually read the article.

From the Wall Street Journal:

A key factor, many say, is a change in the behavior of Floridians. Though the governor didn’t impose a statewide stay-at-home order until April 3, people began hunkering down en masse in mid-March, according to firms that analyze anonymous cellphone data.

That was around the same time deaths in the U.S. topped 100 and residents of New York, many of whom have ties to Florida, started staying home. The pandemic’s progression in Florida was about a week behind its trajectory in New York, so that social-distancing measures effectively kicked in earlier, said Thomas Hladish, research scientist at the University of Florida Emerging Pathogens Institute.

“In the early, exponential-growth phase of an epidemic, starting an intervention a week earlier is absolutely huge,” he said.


Roy was good enough to summarize since the article is behind a paywall:

You know, allowing adults to be adults?


Northam, Whitmer, Brown, Hogan, Cuomo, Murphy … you listening?

If DeSantis was a Democrat they’d be calling him a genius.

But we digress.



End. The. Lockdown.



CRINGE –> Don Lemon earns his Trump-given nickname ‘dumbest man on television’ trying to pick a fight with the president (watch)

‘This is CRUEL’: Charlotte Clymer BLASTED by her own followers for heartless (racist?!) tweet about uptick in new COVID cases in GA

UNHINGED: Kurt Eichenwald attacks Tara Reade in such a hateful and graphic thread even WE won’t include all of his tweets

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