Sub-par. You see, your “betters” will decide what kind of health insurance plan is good enough. Never mind that you liked your plan and paid for it willingly each and every month. No matter that you were told, explicitly and repeatedly, that you could keep your plan if you like it. Period.
That wasn’t a blatant lie, according to the sycophantic hacks at the New York Times. President Obama just “misspoke.” Plus, y’all don’t know any better anyway. You can’t decide what plans you want yourselves! Don’t be silly! Even if it means you will lose the life-saving doctors and insurance plan that enabled you to beat all odds and survive Stage IV cancer for nearly seven years, like Edie Littlefield Sundby.
The fault there? The cancer survivors’ own fault, according to the soulless cretin Dan Pfeiffer.
Well, no more. Citizens have had it. As Twitchy reported, today is a national day of mourning and protest. Americans are tweeting their cancellation notices and their stories of insurance loss to @WhiteHouse, using the #MyHealthPlanDied hashtag.
FYI: Today is a national day of mourning & protest. Tweet your health insurance cancellation notice to @whitehouse – use #myhealthplandied
— ???? ??????? ن (@thmoffitt) November 4, 2013
And so it begins:
[PIC] #MyHealthPlanDied in your arms tonight >>> #ThanksObama
— IWF (@IWF) November 4, 2013
From Michigan: Mary's coverage was the plan they wanted. New policies are going to cost them more than $10,000 a year
— BrokenACA (@BrokenACA) November 4, 2013
Chris' old plan is cancelled. His new premium up 86.5%. Icing on the cake=worse overall benefits. #MyHealthPlanDied
— BrokenACA (@BrokenACA) November 4, 2013
#MyHealthPlanDied @MyCancellation President Obama LIED @WhiteHouse He FLAT OUT LIED!!!
— Laura Dulman (@ljdulman) November 4, 2013
@whitehouse @MyCancellation My health insurance plan has been cancelled you jackholes. #myhealthplandied
— Eric Turner (@EricTurner8) November 4, 2013
@WhiteHouse @MyCancellation My insurance policy just sent me a 'Dear John' letter! Obama, lied & cheated & I got dumped!#MyHealthPlanDied
— Nancy Estes (@AmBeachy) November 4, 2013
@WhiteHouse I was happy with my no deductible, $20 copay, excellus bcbs insurance. Cancelled as of 12/31. #myhealthplandied
— BillyRace (@WJRace) November 4, 2013
@WhiteHouse #myhealthplandied my ins co cancelled my health plan, (which I liked and wanted to continue), prior to the anniversary date. TY
— patricia dimatteo (@tridimatteo) November 4, 2013
@whitehouse #ACA canceled my preferred policy. It was $5k deductible with 100% coverage #obamacare #myhealthplandied
— Rabid Dan (@DanThaWildMan) November 4, 2013
Old plan cancelled. New premium up by 86.5%, worse overall benefits. #myhealthplandied @MyCancellation @WhiteHouse
— Chris Birk (@cbirk79) November 4, 2013
#MyHealthPlanDied #teaparty #Obamacare @whitehouse @MyCancellation
— Jen from Texas (@jensan1332) November 4, 2013
@WhiteHouse my family health plan cancelled. still won’t let me log on. #MyHealthPlanDied
— econimagination (@econimagination) November 4, 2013
My health insurance CANCELLED, replacement premium DOUBLED, NO SUBSIDY! Same for wife and son! @michellemalkin
— Tom Balek (@TomBalek) November 4, 2013
My husband's healthcare plan from his small biz employer WILL NOT be continued @TwitchyTeam #tcot #ObamaCareFail
— Mother of Many (@BirthBabiesFun) November 4, 2013
This is @MyCancellation – No more PPO. Can our kids keep drs in exchange? We STILL don't know #myhealthplandied
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) November 4, 2013
We are givers, so we’ll help the White House out further: This is what is happening. This is the effect of Obamacare; As Brit Hume said, the insured are becoming the uninsured. Plans that haven’t been canceled have premiums that are rising sharply. Many who are seeking new plans, after receiving the dreaded cancellation notice, can no longer afford insurance at all.
- ‘This is immoral!’ Cancellation notice avalanche: Jim DeMint posts devastating pic
- Not so affordable: Obamacare train wreck sparks #ObamacareStickerShock
- Dear President Pants on Fire, meet Americans who have one question: ‘I like my plan, why can’t I keep it?’
- Bam! Rep. Price puts the O-care cancellation notice avalanche in devastating perspective
- ‘Sad ass government!’ Citizens ‘can’t afford’ raised premiums; Will ‘keep’ penalty, lose insurance
- Obamacare train wreck: Americans tweet anger, surprise over cancellations, higher premiums
- ‘Not quite the way they sold it’: Kirsten Powers’ insurance premium skyrockets
- Brit Hume slams WH O-Care ‘supposed’ success stories; Citizen shares his ‘success’ [pic]
- O-Scare avalanche: Escaped cancellation notice? Americans ‘keep’ doubled, tripled premiums
- Hey, know what you get to ‘keep’ with Obamacare? Cancellation notices
- Health insurers to customers: If you like your plan, you can keep … nah, you’re screwed
- ‘Affordable’ care: NC family’s health insurance premiums to skyrocket 430 percent
- Not-so-Affordable Care Act: Tweeters sickened by rising health care premiums
- Put on your shocked face: Health insurance companies warn premiums could ‘increase sharply’
- Ted Cruz: Has the cost of your health insurance increased? Citizens: My premium skyrocketed
- Bless her heart: Donna Brazile blames ‘price gauging’ not Obamacare for rising premiums
- Funniest tweet of the day: Donna Brazile has ‘no good answer’ to explain ‘why my premium jumped up’
- Ho-ho-hope and change: Health insurance premiums skyrocket just in time for Christmas
- You can keep your plan … if you pay way more; FSA cap cut, ‘my health insurance premium at work going up’
Can you hear us now? Do you care? Of course you don’t.
Very callous to tell cancellation constituents to "suck it up". Aren't these the same people who most likely have no savings? #Obamacare
— tayfan2 (@tayfan2) October 29, 2013
A lot of great reporting on ObamaCare failures & lies & incompetence of WH. But what about recklessness? Callousness?
— Morgen Richmond (@morgenr) November 3, 2013
The end justifies the means, even if the means are hurting American families.
And for the win:
@MyCancellation @WhiteHouse #myhealthplandied End justifies the means, eh? Awful.
— EncinitasImposition (@jrs25_SD) November 4, 2013
Of course, no one actually wins under Obamacare. We all lose.
Do not remain silent. Keep telling the truth.
I don't have voice left, but keep tweeting the truth surge about Obamacare. Silence is complicity. #myhealthplandied
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) November 4, 2013
NO @whitehouse @barackobama , you don't get to change subject. Millions hit by #myhealthplandied cancellation notices. Won't be silenced.
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) November 4, 2013
Silent no longer. What will they do? Smear and attack us all (again) like they despicably did to cancer survivor Edie Littlefield Sundby on Monday?
Bring it.
Despicable: WH smears cancer survivor who lost her insurance plan due to Obamacare
Greta Van Susteren, Brit Hume destroy boot-licking NYT hacks with devastating O-care truth
Obamacare train wreck: Stage IV gallbladder cancer survivor can’t keep her doctors
Unreal ‘sycophantitus’: NYT, Politico’s Thrush up the boot-licking Obamacare hackery [pic]
O-Scare! Adam Baldwin nutshells ‘lying freak’ O-care architect Dr. Emanuel in one pic
Can’t make this up! Did you see what Sen. Feinstein said about ‘keeping your plan’ after Obamacare?
Obama lied, #MyHealthPlanDied: Monday marks Day of Mourning & Protest for cancelled insurance
Obamacare truth hurts: Why is @MyCancellation suspended? Again; Updated
‘Simple. Perfect. Brilliant’: @MyCancellation launches an ‘Obamacare website that works’ [pics]
‘Boom!’ Dana Loesch shreds NYT’s Obama ‘misspoke’ lie with simple question
Truth-ache! Why are Obama’s poll numbers plummeting? Monica Crowley sums it up
Changed times: New York Times ‘misspoke’ lie in a snark-tastic nutshell
Misspoke? Hey NYT, try being real journalists; Check out this brutal video of Obama’s lies
#ObamaMisspoke: Obama’s lies, NYT hackery spark delicious mockery
Obama lied: Hey, shouldn’t this guy receive an apology? Guess who didn’t ‘misspeak’ [pics]
Boot-licking fail: You won’t believe NYT’s excuse for Obama’s ‘you can keep your plan’ lie
‘Period!’ Dear GOP: Here is a simple talking point on Obamacare. Case closed
‘Don’t transition me, bro!’ Obamaspeak: Guys, your insurance is just being ‘transitioned’
Truth-boom! RESOLVED: Tea Party rubes best Obamacare-gullible elites [pic]
FACT! Mary Katharine Ham has slogan for President Pants on Fire and lying liar Jarrett
‘He just got owned!’ Brit Hume smacks Juan Williams’ absurd Obamacare spin; Update: Video added
Hey, look! Media finally notice Americans are getting insurance cancellation notices!
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