Huh. Funny, that.
Ha! Yes, that too.
Feckless MSM finally acknowledges individual market victims of Obamacare. Coverage by @TwitchyTeam over last month=>
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) October 21, 2013
That’s right. The lapdog media finally caught up to what those silly stupid rubes and “just bloggers” knew all along. You can keep your plan? Ba. Loney.
Americans who buy on the individual market are receiving cancellation notices in droves. On Tuesday, former Senator Jim DeMint posted a devastating picture showing the extent of the cancellation avalanche thus far. But, hey, some are just the pesky self-employed. And what on earth is an individual market? Individuals? That’s heresy!
Self-employed ppl to MSM: Hey, we can't keep our individual market plans because of Obamacare. MSM: What's the individual market?
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) October 21, 2013
You must all “transition” to the collective! Like these hard-working folks:
Meet Bruno Gora. He is self-employed and received a cancellation letter from his insurance company due to ObamaCare.
— Eric Cantor (@EricCantor) October 29, 2013
BCBS of AZ just sent us cancellation notice for policy we've had since 2002. We're self-employed & buy our own insurance. #ObamaLies #ACA
— Shannon Hubbard (@BlogArizona) October 29, 2013
CA single selfemployed barber 58 yrs- insurance cancelled – new plan 3X old plan $450- high deduct- good news he get pregancy benefit
— Ron Pierre (@NOCALrlp) October 27, 2013
Our health insurance is going up for 2014. Obamacare does not benefit us at all. In fact, we subsidize it. #selfemployed #uppermiddleclass
— Mike Taylor Health (@HealthMT) October 25, 2013
Talk w/ self-employed neighbor Sunday.
Him: Just got cancelled and new insurance policy is 450 more.
Me: 450 a year?
Him: No, a month.— Robert Stein (@BobStein_FT) October 29, 2013
Affordable? Not so much. You didn’t build that and you didn’t choose that plan.
There is another pattern at play, too.
Ding, ding, ding.
‘This is immoral!’ Cancellation notice avalanche: Jim DeMint posts devastating pic
‘Don’t transition me, bro!’ Obamaspeak: Guys, your insurance is just being ‘transitioned’
Truth-boom! RESOLVED: Tea Party rubes best Obamacare-gullible elites [pic]
FACT! Mary Katharine Ham has slogan for President Pants on Fire and lying liar Jarrett
Not so affordable: Obamacare train wreck sparks #ObamacareStickerShock
Bam! Rep. Price puts the O-care cancellation notice avalanche in devastating perspective
‘Sad ass government!’ Citizens ‘can’t afford’ raised premiums; Will ‘keep’ penalty, lose insurance
‘He just got owned!’ Brit Hume smacks Juan Williams’ absurd Obamacare spin; Update: Video added
‘Keep denying reality, cupcake’: Amanda Marcotte loses her mind before our eyes
Sen. Rand Paul: Have more people signed up for insurance or lost it?
Obamacare train wreck: Americans tweet anger, surprise over cancellations, higher premiums
‘Not quite the way they sold it’: Kirsten Powers’ insurance premium skyrockets
Brit Hume slams WH O-Care ‘supposed’ success stories; Citizen shares his ‘success’ [pic]
Mark Hannah: No, you can’t keep your crummy plan you bought from those swindlers, sucker
O-Scare avalanche: Escaped cancellation notice? Americans ‘keep’ doubled, tripled premiums
Hey, look! Media finally notice Americans are getting insurance cancellation notices!
Hey, know what you get to ‘keep’ with Obamacare? Cancellation notices
Health insurers to customers: If you like your plan, you can keep … nah, you’re screwed
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