Hilarious! Mysterious photos and Rob Lowe signs have been popping up all over Stockholm, Sweden. The actor is quite baffled and took to Twitter for help with uncovering the source of this mystery.
@RobLowe are you aware that these are plastered all over stockholm pic.twitter.com/XQAofXYuWO
— Jpehrson (@JuliaPehrson2) June 3, 2013
Well, as Twitchy readers know, Mr. Lowe recently made a trip to Washington, D.C. Was he feeling out an international political run?
“@JuliaPehrson2: @RobLowe heres another pic.twitter.com/tx6XMNAiI2”
Am I running for office and don't know???— Rob Lowe (@RobLowe) June 3, 2013
Twitter users alerted Rob Lowe to the photos last month.
Hey @RobLowe why are there posters of you all over #stockholm ? pic.twitter.com/ZYXChbgHnA
— Cam (@Cam_Thor) May 25, 2013
“@Cam_Thor: Hey @RobLowe why are there posters of you all over #stockholm ? pic.twitter.com/Kyydd9SKjJ”
No idea. Anyone know??— Rob Lowe (@RobLowe) May 25, 2013
Just saw a guy put up this poster in Stockholm. Whats going on, @RobLowe ? pic.twitter.com/NHI49nhXKd
— Tomas Petersen (@Tomas_41_) June 1, 2013
Look, @RobLowe – you're posted on an elskåp in Stockholm! pic.twitter.com/DOahOnnRfY
— Gustav Karlsson (@gustavareteg) May 21, 2013
Love the campaign featuring @RobLowe in #Stockholm – what ever it all will prove to be about. #RobLoweSTHLM http://t.co/wupcmkSOAv
— Nils Lindström (@nilslindstrom) May 28, 2013
Why are there @RobLowe posters in Stockholm? Mystery… pic.twitter.com/CvCsOdGggj
— Daniel Olsson (@DanielJEOlsson) May 28, 2013
Saw Rob Lowe whilst wandering around Gamla Stan, Stockholm. @ Gamla Stan http://t.co/GVLE2Xqhge
— Kris Wood (@KrisWould) May 27, 2013
More posters in Stockholm, Sweden. This one on a well known street, Drottninggatan @RobLowe any idea? pic.twitter.com/zDO4ACNM83
— Traneving Outdoor (@Traneving) May 27, 2013
@RobLowe, you're face is for some reason plastered all over Stockholm. Will you be running for office here 2014? pic.twitter.com/Q2126WRjia
— Pål Kårfalk (@karfalk) May 24, 2013
The mystery continues and Twitter users love it.
@Binje8 @roblowe Your handsome face n name still plastered all over Stockholm.And yet noone knows why! Intriguing. pic.twitter.com/tMxOWg8Oz8
— Sabinije (@Sabinije) June 3, 2013
@RobLowe I have (literally) no idea why you are suddenly all over Stockholm. The mystery continues.
— James Cashman (@jvcashman) June 3, 2013
@RobLowe I have a bunch of photos of your poster in Stockholm. Trying to figure this out!! pic.twitter.com/IKLg4NlYeG
— Robin Fader (@RobinFader) June 3, 2013
The giggles are strong with this one.
Does Stockholm have Rob Lowe Syndrome?
@RobLowe @JuliaPehrson2 As a Rob Lowe fan living in Stockholm, I'm intrigued. I need to keep an eye out for those!
— Christine #SaveDaredevil (@Chris_TOMP) June 3, 2013
Why does @RobLowe keep appearing all over Stockholm?! #burningquestions pic.twitter.com/bzSlAX9uZ1
— Steve Not Jobs (@stevecalamia) May 29, 2013
@RobLowe First the posters, now your name. All over Stockholm. Is this your secret invasion plan? 😉 @Cam_Thor
— Stina Bengtsson (@stinabengtsson) May 28, 2013
Mr. Lowe would get some votes if he decides to parlay the photos into a run for office!
@RobLowe @JuliaPehrson2 You won, as well. So what's your first decision as the mayor of Stockholm?
— Tobias (@Dahlberry) June 3, 2013
@RobLowe @JuliaPehrson2 If anyone can govern Stockholm, it's Rob Lowe. If I were Swedish, you'd have my vote.
— Dina (@Dinabot17) June 3, 2013
Alas, it is being reported that the baffling photos are the work of an advertising agency.
Who is putting up posters on @RobLowe all over #stockholm? pic.twitter.com/frHROKKZk9
— Åsa Holmgren (@AsaHolmgren1) May 21, 2013
Apperently it was a campaign for a new advertising agency in Stockholm… What do you think about that? http://t.co/9wdf0cHccz@RobLowe
— Aftonbladet Nöje (@AftonbladetNoje) May 26, 2013
Mystery solved? (via Google translate.)
– I’m beginning to think that these Rob Lowe posters in the whole town is part of a conspiracy. All ungdomsförbundare becomes away kollrade. Sam Seaborn! twitter signature Linda Nordlund.
On Sunday it emerged that it is an advertising agency that is behind the mystery
The work of an advertising firm or a nefarious plot? You decide! In the meantime, people will continue to delight in the photos.
See ya later Stockholm. You were good. Thanks for the pictures of Rob Lowe. pic.twitter.com/5biFrLPSeF
— Josh Levy (@levjoy) May 24, 2013
So do we.
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