As Twitchy reported, Sarah Palin slammed media “assclowns” over their ludicrous Nerd Prom (White House Correspondents’ Dinner) last night. Haters crawled out of the woodwork, natch. And some journos clutched their pearls madly. She said “assclown!” Oh, the horror! Huffington Post opinion writer Jason Linkins pitched a snit fit.
Touched a nerve, Jason? He madly tweeted and retweeted Palin-bashing remarks, all of which can be summed up with “I know you are, but what am I?” Waah!
@SarahPalinUSA hey remember when you came a couple of years ago and hung out at the MSNBC party?
— Jim Newell (@jim_newell) April 28, 2013
Sarah Palin isn't getting back to me, maybe she does forget that entire evening of fancy DC parties she went to
— Jim Newell (@jim_newell) April 28, 2013
Don't be a #DCassclown bro.
— Jacob Soboroff (@jacobsoboroff) April 28, 2013
RT @GreedyOldPricks: @e2pilot @dceiver half-term governor! / More importantly, she was a super-enthusiastic Beltway cocktail partier
— Jason Linkins (@dceiver) April 28, 2013
@DAKGirl @jim_newell @TeresaKopec Damn lookit them assclowns
— Jason Linkins (@dceiver) April 28, 2013
LOL RT @tjortenzi: April 30, 2011: @SarahPalinUSA attends the MSNBC party after the #WHCD
— Jason Linkins (@dceiver) April 28, 2013
Trixie Klondike is really scraping the barrel bottom in terms of fans/defenders these days, folks.
— Jason Linkins (@dceiver) April 28, 2013
“Trixie Klondike.” Sexist much, dude?
@WeeLaura I may be mistaken, but I am pretty sure full credit for "Trixie Klondike" goes to @thecajunboy.
— Jason Linkins (@dceiver) April 28, 2013
@WeeLaura I know that @thecajunboy either came up with that one of "Snowbilly Grifter."
— Jason Linkins (@dceiver) April 28, 2013
Yuk, yuk, yuk! She’s just a hillbilly Barbie and such. Isn’t he so enlightened?
@SarahPalinLinks If you blink, you will miss it.
— Jason Linkins (@dceiver) April 28, 2013
Calling him an assclown is actually insulting to assclowns.
Next comes a Mediaite senior editor, as actor Adam Baldwin pointed out.
Yep. Here is Kirell’s pitiful snit fit.
Business Insider’s Henry Blodget:
Sarah Palin reminds America how lucky we are that she's not in Washington
— Henry Blodget (@hblodget) April 28, 2013
A Time reporter clutches his pearls.
And, of course, he implies she doesn’t write her own tweets. How can she, being a “Trixie Klondike” and all, huh?
Assclowns, heal thyselves.
Tweet like a girl: Sarah Palin blasts ‘DC assclowns’ at ‘pathetic’ Correspondents’ Dinner
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