As Twitchy reported, there was a closed captioning oops on the night that Boston bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was captured and taken into custody. According to the closed captioning, the suspect was Zooey Deschanel. It was a much-needed moment of levity, for most.
Naturally, the Huffington Post felt the need to show its idiocy … by blaming Fox News. For an outside party’s closed captioning error. They did update the article, but only to clarify it was a “local affiliate.” Protip for HuffPo: Google is your friend.
“Red Eye” ombudsman Andy Levy took HuffPo to task.
He did. And it was glorious.
Twitter users agree.
@andylevy @HuffPostTv but HuffPo's story about Hillary Duff donning tight pants is fucking spot on. Hello, Pulitzer!
— Matt Oswalt (@MattOswaltVA) April 21, 2013
@andylevy Bravo, sir, bravo
— AJ (@Sturndago) April 21, 2013
@andylevy No byline to accompany @HuffPostTV's cheap shot either
— Jeff (@BeastQuake) April 21, 2013
They knew, but lied. MT @andylevy: .@HuffPostTV it’s pathetic that a tv site doesn’t know how closed captioning works
— Keith (@AsHarshAsTruth) April 21, 2013
We do, too. Keep them coming, Mr. Levy!
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