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Top Snit? 'Top Chef' host and model Padma Lakshmi has snit fit over gun control vote

Oh, dear. As Twitchy reported, Hollyweird celebs were in full hive-mind-mode over the failure of the Manchin-Toomey gun control legislation in the Senate. Actor and writer Wil Wheaton threw a temper tantrum, and model Chrissy Teigen had an epic meltdown. Now, it’s Bravo “Top Chef” host Padma Lakshmi’s turn, evidently.



And she joins the reprehensible ranks of those who politicize on the backs of dead children.

She then had a stint of retweeting.



Concerned moms. Because, anyone who believes in the Second Amendment can’t possibly be a concerned mom. They are probably some of those gender-traitors and such.


Oh, Padma. We’ll use a phrase that you might understand: Pack your ghoul knives and go, Padma.


Celebrity hive mind outraged by gun control vote

Meltdown: Model Chrissy Teigen curses ‘f*cking GOP’ over Senate gun vote

Wil Wheaton: ‘F*ck the NRA’; Throws hissy fit after Manchin-Toomey gun control legislation failure

‘Hear this, gun nuts’: Michael Moore, Bette Midler not done with gun grab effort, taking names

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