Oh, dear. The White House might be distancing itself from the leaked Department of Justice memo on drone strikes, but good little doggie, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, did not distance himself from Leon Panetta during his show last night.
"Leon is a conscientious guy. He goes to church every day"–Chris Matthews on Panetta re drone strikes.
— jeremy scahill (@jeremyscahill) February 5, 2013
Oh, well. He’s conscientious and stuff. Plus, church! Funny how now church isn’t a bad thing, huh?
To the video tape!
Chris Matthews trusts Leon Panetta to run a drone program."He goes to church every day." http://t.co/kNWwfYY8
— Peter Hart (@peterfhart) February 6, 2013
The key quote:
I think Leon is a very conscientious guy. He goes to church every day. But I still think sometimes you have to do things that are not nice. We’re fighting a war.
O_O RT @jeremyscahill: "Leon is a conscientious guy. He goes to church every day"–Chris Matthews on Panetta re drone strikes.
— Dorsey Shaw (@dorseyshaw) February 5, 2013
Oh, boy! Liberals weren’t pleased.
Chris Matthews just said: "I think Leon [Panetta] is a conscientious guy, he goes to church every day. Sometimes we have to do bad things."
— Rania Khalek (@RaniaKhalek) February 5, 2013
Chris Matthews on liberal msnbc, thinks drone strikes are moral if they're ordered by people who go to church, like Leon Panetta.
— Rania Khalek (@RaniaKhalek) February 5, 2013
FFS RT @jeremyscahill: "Leon is a conscientious guy. He goes to church every day"–Chris Matthews on Panetta re drone strikes.
— Galoot, citizen of 2 failed states (@galoot) February 5, 2013
Much to atone for? RT @jeremyscahill: "Leon is a conscientious guy. He goes to church every day"–Chris Matthews on Panetta re drone strikes
— Ringuette (@Ringuette) February 5, 2013
To repent for all the kids he's killed probably RT @jeremyscahill: "Leon … goes to church every day"-CMatthews on Panetta re drone strikes
— kt ?? (@HappyyTrees) February 5, 2013
A self-proclaimed member of CAIR, natch.
Mainly for confession.“@jeremyscahill: Leon is a conscientious guy. He goes to church every day"-Chris Matthews on Panetta re drone strikes.
— Imraan Siddiqi (@imraansiddiqi) February 5, 2013
Their disappointment in Chris Matthews is just precious! As is Matthews’ alleged thinking: “Church-y Leon would give me hugs, but sometimes meany pants and icky, not nice things happen. And stuff. I can haz cookie?”
Lean forward! Into Dunce-ville.
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