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Dignity for our Daughters Means We Must Continue the Fight for Women's Rights to our Own Intimate Spaces

Grassroots Army

After the first 'trans-woman' was elected to Congress this last election cycle, Republican Nancy Mace threw down the gauntlet and declared the woman's bathroom is off limits. That raised a huge ruckus on Twitter with all kinds of people weighing in. As a Mom of a daughter, this issue is important to me. I also understand people who are not women might not understand all that goes on in a women's bathroom. The needs of actual women are different than men. In that category, includes men who think they are women. Their 'belief' does not make them a woman dealing with the myriad of issues actual women experience. 

I took to Twitter to share some of the reasons why women do not want men sharing an intimate space with us. The enraging and frustrating part is that we even have to share these realities. Why must we fight for our right to have a space of our own to take care of our bodies? Our reproductive system allows us the miracle of birth and the survival of our species, but we have to beg. It's frustrating to see Democrats focusing on women's right to kill our babies while also working hard to take away our right to our own intimate spaces free of men. 

This isn't a dig at men. I love men and have been blessed to have wonderful men in my life. Those men don't want to be in women's bathrooms. They want to wait outside and carry our shopping bags and watch the kids while we use our restroom in peace and privacy. The problem is men who refuse to allow women the decency of a private restroom.

This is it, exactly.

Furthermore, men don't move through life fearing for their safety in the same way women must. When women head to our cars on a dark night, we think of things like making sure we have our car key in between and fingers, having mace or pepper spray on our key chain, and sharing our location with a friend. Ask a woman in your life if she considers all of this when walking to her car at night. I can assure you they do. Men don't have to think this way. Our bathrooms are often a respite from a bad date, a place to gather ourselves after a scary encounter, or a place to bring a distraught friend after a guy was too aggressive at the bar.

I'm scared for my daughter, honestly. I'm fighting what feels like a losing culture war, so maybe she won't have to. Maybe my longed for future grandchildren will look back through history and thank the women of 2024 for taking on this fight. That's what I keep telling myself because the fight is discouraging. Surely, sanity will prevail.


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