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Abortion and COVID Obsessed Doctor Wonders How the Election is Even Close

AP Photo

Well, she asked, Kuppalli is a 'COVID Doctor' (hysteric) is also obsessed with abortion.


It's not all that surprising that a 'COVID Doctor' is really out of touch with reality. 

Rest in peace.

To be fair, not all white women are hysterical and voting for Kamala.

One dissenter thinks it's not close at all and Kamala has it n the bag. Bookmark this tweet and come back after Trump wins to mock it.


Let's pray we do not have a repeat of 2000.

Exactly! If most of the country is not satisfied with the current trajectory, why would anyone keep the VP of that administration. How is that a productive decision?


That says it all in a nutshell. Enough is enough and Americans are ready for new leadership.


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