As Twitchy reported, National Journal’s Ron Fournier asked a completely legitimate question about why President Barack “Lincoln” Obama didn’t honor the 150th anniversary of the Gettysburg address by attending the ceremony.
Hey, guys, who’s up for taking the media to task for asking an actual, y’know, question of the White House? Business Insider’s sneering clown-journo Josh Barro, that’s who:
No need for us to defend Fournier’s oh-so-detestable act of journalism. He did a fine job on his own.
@jbarro I also give a shit about getting a straight answer from the White House. You?
— Ron Fournier (@ron_fournier) November 19, 2013
Barro admits he’s an esteemed member of the proudly incurious media lapdog pack.
Yes. It beats buying the party line RT @MsBlckRock: @jbarro Josh you know @ron_fournier tries really hard everyday 2 drive a story line.
— Ron Fournier (@ron_fournier) November 19, 2013
And there it is. Classy (“Cl” optional):
That didn’t take long. Your self-appointed media betters know what stories deserve to be told.
for real: @jbarro tweets an update on Rob Ford right before he asks who give a s**t about Obama and Gettysburg to @ron_fournier
— Greg Pollowitz (@GPollowitz) November 19, 2013
No joke:
There's an entire room in @JBarro's apartment dedicated as a shrine to Obama. Guaran-fucking-teed.
— RBe (@RBPundit) November 19, 2013
.@ron_fournier has been pretty sympathetic to Obama. But go for the substance-free snark, @jbarro; I'm sure the kids love it. #MyDadIsFamous
— Dr. Blast Hardcheese (@punch_sideiron) November 19, 2013
Extreme butthurt. RT @jbarro: Why won't @ron_fournier lead Obama to Gettysburg? Get out your GPS, Ron. Your country needs you.
— eric (@eriContrarian) November 19, 2013
.@Jbarro doesn't care about Obama and Gettysburg, but he cares a lot if someone else does. #jerk
— The Curve Is Bent. Time to Free Us! (@NolteNC) November 19, 2013
We had to add these tweets from Treacher:
You do. MT @jbarro I was like "Wait, who seriously gives a shit that Obama isn't going to Gettysburg?"
— China is lying (@jtLOL) November 19, 2013
Not entirely, obviously. MT @jbarro @ron_fournier I am entirely uninterested in why Obama decided not to go to this event.
— China is lying (@jtLOL) November 19, 2013
A journalist asks questions. A JournoList scoffs at questions he doesn't want people asking.
— China is lying (@jtLOL) November 19, 2013
It's not like Rob Ford is there. MT @jbarro I was like "Wait, who seriously gives a shit that Obama isn't going to Gettysburg?"
— China is lying (@jtLOL) November 19, 2013
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