I'll be back at it soon. No worries. Until I get back, don't do what I did. Take symptoms seriously before they run rampant. #lessonlearned
— Major Garrett (@MajorCBS) May 7, 2013
To paraphrase CBS News correspondent Major Garrett: We are not f*cking kidding. Double pneumonia is shirty business!
@MajorCBS Fighting pneumonia can be shirty business. Get well soon, Major. 🙂
— RedBrightandTrue (@RedBrightandTru) May 7, 2013
@MajorCBS Show that pneumonia what #shirty really is! Get better soon.
— John Lamm (@JohnLammTX) May 7, 2013
Healing thoughts and prayers are pouring in from the Twitterverse.
@MajorCBS Do whatever it takes, Major…just be healed fully and soon! God Bless you, Sir!
— Jeff Mueller (@JRofOP) May 7, 2013
@MajorCBS Rest, rest, rest. ( Chicken soup, too). Feel better soon.
— (((CAG))) (@cag113) May 7, 2013
@MajorCBS good luck and get well soon! took me 2 months to kick double pneumonia – it's nasty stuff.
— My2Cents (@HappiKamper) May 7, 2013
@MajorCBS Feel better, Major! My money is on you, not silly pneumonia! Germies no match for you.
— Daryn Kagan (@DarynKagan) May 7, 2013
@MajorCBS feel better, rest & stir up a warm root vegetable soup. Onions, carrots, potatoes, turnip bottom, greens with chicken broth.
— Donna Brazile (@donnabrazile) May 7, 2013
@MajorCBS please get better. Pneumonia isnt something to mess with. Had walking pneumonia in the past.
— Eric Heggie (@EricHeggie) May 7, 2013
@MajorCBS Homemade Chicken soup = Jewish penicillin! Get well soon!
— Harriet Baldwin Text Trump 88022 (@HarrietBaldwin) May 7, 2013
Rest up and feel better soon, Major!
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