@nconstantine That 40% of gun sales don't go through NICS.
— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) April 11, 2013
As the Senate prepares to consider gun control measures, Vice President Joe Biden joined the “Morning Joe” panel for honest and well-reasoned debate.
Nah, just kidding. Uncle Joe trotted out the false and repeatedly debunked statistic that 40 percent of gun purchases occur without a background check. It’s the Left’s favorite gun control lie: “We know roughly 40 percent of the guns sold in America have no background check.”
Biden went on to decry the NRA’s “disinformation.” No one on the panel challenged Biden’s disinformation, natch.
@Morning_Joe @vp @jaycaruso @NolteNC so @JoeNBC sits there like a mouth-breathing fanboy when Biden repeats 40% lie. Shocker.
— JediCT10 (@JediCT10) April 11, 2013
Biden's "40% claim"= "40% of gun purchases lack background checks." WaPo gives this claim 3 pinnochios. | http://t.co/v5Jb9hQmo1
— Noel Fritsch (@NoelFritsch) April 11, 2013
@Morning_Joe @vp This meeting is a JOKE. The 40% number is wrong and you know it. LIes do not become the office
— TheBigDerr (@TheBigDerr) April 11, 2013
This is what desperation looks like.
More of Biden’s wisdom on the NRA and background checks, if you can stomach it.
White House still peddling phony statistic about background checks
Video: President Pinocchio repeats Left’s favorite bogus gun control stat
Liberals’ favorite gun control statistic is as real as Manti Te’o’s girlfriend
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