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After the L.A. County shooting, Scott Walker has a question for Kamala Harris, who visited Jacob Blake, about her campaign priorities

Campaign priorities have a lot to say about potential presidential (or vice-presidential) priorities.

As two L.A. County deputies recover from being shot by less than peaceful #BLM protesters, former Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) has a question for Democratic vice presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris about her campaign priorities.


Harris took the time to visit Jacob Blake in Wisconsin this past week and made glowing comments about him and his family.

Harris put out a tweet Sunday morning about the deputies.


Her visiting Jacob Blake set a campaign precedent. It will be noteworthy to see whether or not she prioritizes the two injured deputies who are, after all, from her state.



Kamala Harris is ‘proud’ of alleged rapist Jacob Blake and gushes over his ‘incredible family’ (which apparently includes a virulently anti-Semitic dad)

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