In a response to New York City Mayor Eric Adams, co-chair of the group “Mayors Against Illegal Guns,” Twitchy favorite Dana Loesch helpfully pointed out why we might not really want to hear from these folks right now:
“Mayors Against Illegal Guns included former mayors like Gary Becker, busted for possession of child pornography, 2nd degree sexual assault of a child; Craig Lowe re attempted sex crimes w a child; James Schiliro who held a young man hostage at gun point; big offender list.”
Mayors Against Illegal Guns included former mayors like Gary Becker, busted for possession of child pornography, 2nd degree sexual assault of a child; Craig Lowe re attempted sex crimes w a child; James Schiliro who held a young man hostage at gun point; big offender list.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) June 1, 2022
And as for fighting gun violence, a “mayoral group with convicted child predators as one-time members, and current mayors from some of the most crime-ridden cities with the strictest gun control have no business lecturing a law-abiding and free people”:
A mayoral group with convicted child predators as one-time members, and current mayors from some of the most crime-ridden cities with the strictest gun control have no business lecturing a law-abiding and free people.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) June 1, 2022
Dana has the receipts, too:
Here is more about the disgusting crimes perpetrated by Mayors Against Illegal Guns members:
Seriously — just look up some of the names in tis group. It’s wild. A den of perverts and corruption.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) June 1, 2022
Did they think nobody would remember? Because Dana remembered:
It’s why mayors began sneaking away and their membership dramatically reduced. Now I guess think think no one will remember. All the Bloomberg groups quietly scrubbed their past support for these same criminal mayors, also.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) June 1, 2022
It’s almost to that point:
We need a Firearm Owners Against Criminal Mayors group at this point.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) June 1, 2022
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