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UPDATE: Black Rifle Coffee Company not banned in Canada

May 8 Update.

The Black Rifle Coffee Company has not been banned by Canada. From Lead Stories:

Part of what probably caused the confusion is that the Black Rifle Company LLC apparently dissolved in 2012 (or maybe moved to Arizona and then became inactive). Their website has been offline for years but the Internet Archive still has a copy. You can verify the old website registration data here, it shows the site was registered to the same person as the company. But the lack of active website led to Google searches not turning up much for “Black Rifle Company”, instead bringing people to the Black Rifle Coffee Company.

Original Post:



It appears that Canada may have accidentally banned the Black Rifle Coffee Company. Check it out:

“Words cannot espresso how dumb this ban is”:

But really, what happened here?

Because this is hilarious:

We’ll just assume it’s true because it’s way funnier that way:


Editor’s note: This post has been updated and the headline changed. 


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