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'Accountability WILL Be Coming': Pete Hegseth Announces Afghanistan Withdrawal Investigation

AP Photo/Andres Leighton

In the summer of 2021, despite his failure to 'shut COVID down' as he claimed he would during the election campaign, Joe Biden and his administration were still riding an approval rating over 50 percent, mostly thanks to the media covering and pushing his unconstitutional mandates regarding the virus, and ignoring the fact that inflation was already starting to explode. 


However, with the 20th anniversary of 9/11 approaching that September, Biden decided he needed a big win. In July, he began a chaotic, unorganized, and rushed withdrawal from Afghanistan to be able to celebrate 'ending the war' before the anniversary. 

We all know what happened next. Thirteen American soldiers killed at Abbey Gate. Hundreds of Americans stranded in Afghanistan, abandoned by the Biden administration. Even more Afghanis who were American allies during the war left to the tender mercies of the Taliban. And almost $100 billion in cash and U.S. military hardware left behind for the Taliban to pick up and parade around for the world to see.

All of this, according to Biden, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and Press Secretary Jen Psaki, was a tremendous success

Biden's approval rating never recovered after that. Nor should it have. Even the media couldn't hide the debacle that was the Afghanistan withdrawal. The aftermath of the botched operation was almost as big of a disaster. The U.S. launched a retaliatory drone strike that didn't kill any Taliban fighters, only an aide worker and his family. Biden stared at his watch as American soldiers were brought home in caskets. Meanwhile, Vladimir Putin was eagerly preparing to invade Ukraine in the face of such incompetent U.S. 'opposition.' Worst of all, not a single member of the Biden administration, State Department, or Defense Department were ever fired or held to account. 


Well, that's all changing now. Yesterday, Breitbart released an exclusive interview with new Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth, who promised a full investigation into the withdrawal and that 'accountability will be coming.'

Hegseth told Breitbart's Kristina Wong that he has already selected his investigators, but that he could not put a timetable on the investigation yet, stating that he wanted to get everything right. 

But he did vow to get answers for the families of those slain servicemembers. 

'The way you establish real accountability is by establishing real fact chains — chains of events, information, what happened. Why did it happen? Who made the decision? What was the reason they made that decision? Why did they give advice or not give advice? Why did they execute an order a certain way? Did they speak up when they were supposed to or not? I don’t think there’s anybody that feels like there’s been an honest accounting of what happened in Afghanistan. That’s our job,' he said.

'So, we’re going to drive that full investigation and get a sense of what happened. And as I stated to the workforce on Friday, I guess less than a week ago, accountability will be coming for what happened in Afghanistan, and that’s important to reestablishing trust at the Defense Department,' he added.


America was told when Biden assumed office that 'the adults were back in charge.' That, of course, was just another lie, but it sure looks like the adults are in charge now. 

That's going to turn out very badly for past Biden administration officials, at least those in the Defense Department. 

America has not seen images similar to the airlift out of Kabul -- with people hanging off of the plane -- since the fall of Saigon. It's about time that people faced the music. 

Does anyone seriously believe that Biden even knows any of the names of the fallen? 


The investigation never would have happened if Trump had lost the election. But now, we can be fairly confident that there will finally be some level of accountability. 

In fact, the only person in the military who DID lose their job under the Biden administration was Marine Col. Stuart Scheller, who demanded answers and accountability from military leadership in a viral video

Scheller has since been appointed as a Defense Department senior advisor under Trump and Hegseth. 

One of the most disgraceful images in American history. Unquestionably. 

Biden and Lloyd Austin didn't (and still don't) care about those soldiers. 

Hegseth does. And so does President Trump.

Justice is coming. Answers are coming. 

Coming for so many people, but mostly for Sgt. Johanny Rosario Pichardo, Sgt. Nicole L. Gee, Staff Sgt. Darin T. Hoover, Cpl. Hunter Lopez, Cpl. Daegan W. Page, Cpl. Humberto A. Sanchez, Lance Cpl. David L. Espinoza, Lance Cpl. Jared M. Schmitz, Lance Cpl. Rylee J. McCollum, Lance Cpl. Dylan R. Merola, Lance Cpl. Kareem M. Nikoui, Navy Corpsman Maxton W. Soviak, and Staff Sgt. Ryan C. Knauss. 


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