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Scratch 'Joy,' Time to Push FEAR: The Hill Claims J.D. Vance Is Even WORSE Than Donald Trump


All of the recent polling indicates that, while Donald Trump certainly has the momentum a few weeks out from Election Day, the 2024 presidential election is still extremely close. Not just nationally, but in the seven key swing states. 


You wouldn't know it by how Democrats are behaving though. Their entire 'vibe' lately has gone from the (fake) 'joy' this past summer to utter panic and desperation. 

This is evident not just in the behavior of elected Democrats, but with their media lackeys as well. They have completely abandoned any semblance of a positive message for the future and are flailing to fearmonger irresponsibly about how 'dangerous' Donald Trump is.

If were were just a little more cynical, we might conclude that they are even trying to inspire another would-be assassin. Their rhetoric is just that crazy. 

Yesterday, The Hill took matters even further, however, with a truly insane op-ed from Never Trumper attorney Chris Treaux who claimed that as much of a boogeyman as Trump is, J.D. Vance is even worse. 


Trump’s running mate is intelligent, articulate and, as a Yale-trained lawyer, he doesn’t just shoot his mouth off. He knows exactly what he’s saying, and why. In short, you can take everything Vance says both literally and seriously.

And last Saturday, he said something that everyone needs to listen to, whether you are a Republican or a Democrat. 

In an interview with Lulu Garcia-Navarro of the New York Times, Vance once again refused to admit that Trump lost the presidency in 2020. Instead, the Ohio senator raised concerns about how the Hunter Biden laptop story had been handled in the runup to the that election. When asked if he would have certified the results of the 2020 election, he said no


Actually, Treaux made all of that last paragraph up. What Vance did was refuse to play the hack New York Times reporter's game and threw her questions back at her. 

We're not sure why Treaux is pretending Vance said things he didn't since he linked to the interview on YouTube. Maybe he was hoping no one would click that link and just take his word for it. 

Treaux then goes on to indulge his fever dream of the fake persecution he would face under a Trump-Vance administration, even though all of this is fiction (and projection) as well.

Using the military to round up “the enemy within?” Check. Try his political enemies for treason? Check. Use the Department of Justice to blackmail tech companies into doing what he wants? Check. Prosecute “lawyers, political operatives and donors” who try to keep him from winning the 2024 election? Check. Gut the civil service and eliminate what’s left of the guardrails of democracy so that nothing stands in his way as president? Check

What’s worse, the Supreme Court says that, if he’s elected president, Donald Trump can do all of this without fear of prosecution. Of course, now that JD Vance is promising to make sure that his side never loses, presidential immunity isn’t looking like as big of an issue as it once did. 


LOL. The left really should be thankful that conservatives are not the people they pretend that we are (Trump and Vance least of all). If we were, they would never dare utter these delusions. 

Of course, Trump and Vance will do none of these things and they have said nothing to indicate they will. 

But 'joy' is old and tired. Fear is the new hotness. And the only card they have left to play. Imaginary fear at that.

During the Republican primary, there were some conservatives who claimed that the media would not be as harsh on, say, Ron DeSantis or Nikki Haley as they are on Trump. 

Really? Does anyone still think that after reading Treaux's op-ed? 

Mitt 'Put Y'all Back In Chains' Romney agrees with this assessment. 

Marco Rubio? LOL. Good old Matthew Yglesias. He can always be counted on to jump on the bandwagon of whatever the leftist narrative of the day is. 

And it's nothing new. We're old enough to remember what they said about Ronald Reagan. 


They can't. They lose any argument on the actual issues, so they keep pushing their panic that every Republican is worse than the last Republican. 


We would not be surprised if Vance -- who owns the media every time they come at him -- repeated that exact line during his next stump speech.

Vance may truly be more dangerous than Trump ... when it comes to making fools out of journalists.

Republicans could nominate Steve from Blue's Clues and Democrats would still find a way to compare him to Hitler. 

Well, they're desperate. They are throwing ALL of the spaghetti up against the wall to see if anything will stick. 

We're shocked they haven't pulled out 'thermonuclear Hitler.' Maybe they're saving that one for whoever Trump names as his Attorney General if he wins. 

No, no one is surprised. But it's still funny every time they do it. 

Except after two assassination attempts, it's not so funny anymore. 


Democrats know this rhetoric is dangerous. What worries us is how little they seem to care. 

Now, THAT is scary. 

And dangerous. 

And if, God forbid, anything does happen to Trump or Vance between now and Election Day, you can count on Democrats in the media and irresponsible attorneys like Chris Treaux to take no responsibility whatsoever. 

Again, maybe it's the cynic in us, but we think he'd be too busy celebrating his accomplishment. 

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