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Watch: Gavin Newsom and the 'Defenders of Democracy' Have a Nice Giggle at the Coup They Staged


Ever since Kamala Harris was installed a little over a month ago as the Democrats' presidential candidate for 2024, we have been writing and reporting how everything about her campaign is completely phony. But it's not because we have a grudge or anything, it's only because it is. And she is. 


And here's the kicker: the Democrats know that too. They just never say it out loud. 

Well ... almost never. 

During the Democratic National Convention, California Governor Gavin Newsom went on the Pod Save America podcast, hosted by Obama flunkies Jon Favreau, Tommy Vietor, Jon Lovett, and Dan Pfeiffer.

You want to see how much they believe in Kamala? Watch how these brave 'defenders of democracy' all giggle like schoolgirls about how she got the nomination: 

Awww, isn't that cute? They couldn't be happier with themselves about the 'bottom-up' grassroots expulsion of Joe Biden and the casting aside of 14 million Democrat primary voters. 

And check out the extra slip-up that Newsom makes: 'That's what I've been told to say.'

Interesting. Told by whom, Gavin? Care to share? 

Just keep this video handy the next time a leftist tries to tell you that Donald Trump is a 'threat to our democracy.'


They couldn't care less about democracy. All they want is power. 


But they're so full of 'joy.'

And take note of who is reporting on this video. It is independent journalists like Glenn Greenwald (and many others on Twitter). ABC, NBC, CBS, and CNN? Nowhere to be found. 

That's an insult to snakes. Snakes want nothing to do with people like this. 


Yes, let's not forget all of the Democrats' underhanded tactics to make sure Biden won the primary ... before Democrats threw him out of a window. 

It is delicious and poetic justice that those tactics are now biting them in the backside after RFK Jr. came out and endorsed Trump this weekend

They already pulled off the coup. They don't care. 

In Newsome's case, however, there may be a little bit of strategy behind his giggles. 

If she starts fading in the polls even a little (and that may already be happening) or if she has a bad debate in September, they'll start distancing themselves from her just as fast as they all coalesced around worshipping her. 


It's easy to have a 'unified party' when you excommunicate anyone and everyone who deviates at all from the approved narrative (and when you have media apparatchiks to incessantly push how 'unified' you are).

Amazing and yet, somehow, not at all surprising. 

This, in fact, was the very point that RFK Jr. made in his speech about why he was endorsing Trump. He wasn't leaving the Democrats, rather the Democrats have completely abandoned even the facade of having any principles other than unlimited power. 

Cackling hens. We like that. 


It is the Democrat Party wrapped up in a neat little 30-second nutshell. 

This will be a close election. They always are. But we are already, not even 48 hours yet after the conclusion of the DNC, starting to see cracks in the Kamala Harris facade. We think many more will come over the next couple of months. 

But regardless of what happens in 2024, it is clear that Gavin Newsom wants to run for President, maybe as soon as 2028 if Harris loses. 

When that happens, let's not forget how he laughed in the face of his precious democracy in 2024. 

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