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CNN's Edward-Isaac Dovere Shows How the Media Will Be Covering Kamala Harris SUPER SERIOUSLY


Yesterday, when the Democrat Party coalesced almost immediately around Kamala Harris as the heir apparent after Joe Biden (who is still missing) announced that he would not seek re-election, conservative commentator Stephen Miller (no, the other one) issued a very prescient warning. 


Scarily accurate. Less than 24 hours later, we are already beginning to see what he meant. 

Edward-Isaac Dovere is a 'senior reporter' at CNN. His previous stints in 'journalism' were at The Atlantic and Politico, so you know he's a serious journalist who just calls balls and strikes and doesn't carry blue pom-poms at all. 

This morning, Dovere has some breaking news sure to win him a Pulitzer Prize. The tweet also provides a signal of how the media is going to treat Harris from now to November.

Behold the glorious journalisming: 

Hoodies? Sneakers? ANCHOVIES? That is some hard-hitting reporting, CNN.

Edward R. Morrow bows to your greatness, Mr. Dovere.  

He followed up this breaking news tweet with a puff article he wrote for CNN, praising Harris as a prosecutor. Strangely, he did not interview any of the men she unjustly kept in prison in preparing the article. 


But it was the anchovies that clearly got everyone's attention. 

Dovere is working on a five-part series of Harris' favorite pizza styles and toppings. 

Come to think of it, the Pulitzer might not be enough. If someone can find Joe Biden and revive him, we're pretty sure Dovere deserves a Medal of Freedom. 


The hype cycle will be RELENTLESS. Count on it. Vogue is probably already working on putting Harris on its next cover. 

Not NEARLY enough. 

We're just not worthy of their courage and heroism. 

The journos are nothing if not nimble, right? 

SHHHHHHHHH! We're not supposed to talk about that. Biden is just enjoying a nice weekend ... at Bernie's.

Don't worry. Her favorite colors will be discussed by Anderson Cooper and a full CNN panel within the week. 


As Miller said at the outset, we're not sure America is prepared for the level of adulation that will be heaped upon Harris over the next three months. 

Speaking of which ...

Hey, when he's right, he's right. 



We're about five minutes away from an Obama-style 'Hope and Change' poster with Harris staring off into the horizon. 

And it won't be her campaign that creates it. It will be CNN. 

Ahem. Moving on. (Hey, he said it, not us.)


Yes, it is. Unintentionally so, but yes. 

What better way to wrap up than with the Auron MacIntyre quote that will live forever for its accuracy?

Miller wasn't the only one who warned about how deep in the tank the media will be for Kamala Harris. Plenty of others knew this as well. 

But to see it on full display in less than 24 hours -- while the world STILL has not seen Joe Biden and Harris doesn't even have the nomination yet -- is impressive, even for an apparatchik like Edward-Isaac Dovere. 

We can't wait for his next article: 'Here Are Five Pictures of Puppies Side-By-Side With Five Pictures of Kamala Harris.'

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