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Yeah, Go With THAT Strategy: Axios Says Hollywood Stars Could Be the Key to Biden's Campaign


Last night, Joe Biden went from wandering around the G7 in Italy (and headbutting the Pope) to a Hollywood fundraiser where he looked like a wax statue that was left out in the sun too long. According to the Associated Press, this demonstrated his 'stamina' and fitness for the job of President for four more years.


Yes, it's true. You don't hate the media enough. 

But if the fawning from the AP -- and embarrassing paid Gen Zers like Harry Sisson -- wasn't enough, Axios decided that this would be a perfect time to jump into the discussion with a retreaded article straight out of the Bill Clinton era. Yep, you got it ... Hollywood will be the one to save Biden's floundering campaign. 

Please, try to hold in your laughter.  

President Biden's campaign is holding a celeb-sponsored fundraiser on Saturday in Los Angeles, hosted by George Clooney, Julia Roberts and Jimmy Kimmel, alongside former President Obama.

Why it matters: Biden's campaign broke Democrats' single-evening fundraising record during a previous high-profile event featuring several current and former presidents.

  • A-listers, like those of Biden's campaign extravaganza at the Peacock Theater, could be his secret weapon against former President Trump, The New York Times' Peter Baker writes.


While we don't have the total yet, there's no question that Biden did raise a lot of money by hosting a party with washed-up has-beens paid to read scripts. Close to thirty million is a safe estimate. 

But, call us crazy, it's a little difficult to figure out the logic of how a $500,000 per ticket Hollywood event (yes, that was the top price for attending) will convince Americans that we can all still afford our grocery, gas, and utility bills. Nor will it suddenly blind everyone to the fact that Biden's foreign policy has basically set the world on fire in three and a half years. 


Twitter was at a loss to figure it out as well. 

HAHAHA. That's a solid campaign strategy right there. 

It's a fatal flaw that Biden simply cannot overcome. Bill Clinton WAS a celebrity himself. So was Barack Obama. And for all the flaws of their presidencies, they WERE charismatic figures, just like actors. 

Biden couldn't find any charisma if they injected it into him like the rest of his meds. And it showed last night. 

OOF. That picture. Biden looks like his face is sliding off and even Obama has an expression on his face like he is only there because he lost a bet. 

Of course, the real problem with this fundraiser -- while Donald Trump is going to UFC fights and having free rallies in places like the Bronx and Philadelphia -- is that no one cares anymore what celebrities tell them to think and who to vote for. 


LOL. We're waiting for Potsy's endorsement. 

Hey, he PLAYED a man running for President once. Who else would know better than he would? 

The lack of self-awareness from the media and the celebrities who hosted Biden at the fundraiser is astounding. 

Oh, dear God, no. Please. We beg you. Not that. 


If you have 23 seconds though, please watch that video. There's a surprise in the middle that will make you spit up laughing.


Even sane Democrat voters (we didn't know there were any remaining) thought this was a horrible take from Axios and a horrible strategy by Biden. 

Everyone. Especially in a crappy economy. 

If anything, events like these turn normal people WAY off. At best? They inspire the following reaction: 

Well, far be it from us to interrupt leftists when they are making monumental mistakes. The money will be a great boost to the campaign. The backlash in voter sentiment? Maybe not so much. 

So, let them cook.

In the case of Joe Biden's face last night ... that might be happening quite literally. 

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