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Ted Cruz DECIMATES Secretary of State Antony Blinken Over Biden Foreign Policy Failures (Watch)


There are so many Biden administration officials who have disgraced their positions, not to mention the country and people they serve, we've sort of lost count. From the old man himself down to the White House interns, we've been itching for consequences for any of them. But with a deadlocked Senate and a razor-thin majority in the House, we can't really imagine that Republicans will be able to make that happen for anyone in 2024. (There's also the fact that many Washington Republicans don't exactly have the firmest spines when it comes to dealing out justice, but that's another story.)


Still, every once in a while, we at least get to enjoy the savory experience when some of the more fiery Republicans have the opportunity to call out the corruption and incompetence of high-ranking Biden administration officials. That was the case yesterday when Secretary of State Antony Blinken appeared before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and Texas Senator Ted Cruz took his turn to speak.

What followed was just under 10 minutes of such a thorough verbal beatdown, we were a little surprised that an ambulance wasn't needed to carry Blinken out of the room. Watch:

Cruz, as usual, maintains mostly a calm and even keel throughout this verbal pummeling but there's no questioning his opinion when he begins his opening remarks by calling the Biden administration's handling of Israel, Hamas, and Iran (not to mention Russia and Ukraine) 'the worst foreign policy disaster of modern times.'

He then proceeds to itemize all of Blinken and Biden's failures, from the State Department's awful statement offering condolences to Iran on the death of the Butcher of Tehran Ebrahim Raisi to the administration's withholding of weapons from Israel to the payouts to Iran and that country's billions in oil sales over the past few years due to Biden not enforcing sanctions. Cruz even levels Blinken on his now-deleted tweets THE DAY AFTER October 7, urging a ceasefire. 


The. Day. After. Here is the deleted tweet: 


Few in Washington are as good at dressing down an adversary as Cruz. Mainly because of his demeanor but also because he brings the receipts, like the deleted tweet mentioned above or the statistics on Iranian oil production and sales during the Biden administration.

Blinken got offended when Cruz said straight up that Biden was responsible for the October 7 terrorist attacks. But everyone knows that Iran is the primary state sponsor of Hamas. And Cruz is correct when he states that between payments to the country and the oil sales. the current administration has funded Iran to the tune of $100 billion. 


It's not difficult to draw the line of sight between the money and the attacks. 

We've seen questioning close to this devastating from Senators like Rand Paul and John Kennedy, but this was absolutely brutal from Cruz. 

Blinken flatly denied that the U.S. has withheld any intelligence from Israel, but Cruz (and The Washington Post) have sources on that, so it bears watching and DEFINITELY a follow-up investigation. 

The statement was truly disgraceful, as was Blinken's inability to condemn the United Nations lowering its flag to half-staff yesterday to 'honor' the death of Raisi. 


This was another moment of Cruz having the receipts and Blinken being completely clueless. Iran's 'ghost ships' moving oil have expanded from 70 to more than FOUR HUNDRED over the past three years. 


None of this can be disputed, no matter how offended Blinken gets. HE certainly couldn't refute any of it. 

Cruz's preparation is impressive. What is equally 'impressive' is how unprepared Blinken was for this cross-examination. 

It's almost like the Biden administration feels as though they don't have to answer to anyone, isn't it? 


The absence of leadership, the absence of accountability, and the absence of basic competence have all been on display for three years. 

HA. We need one too. 

What would be even more satisfying would be impeachment trials, but we'll have to settle for this verbal annihilation from Ted Cruz. 

For now. 

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