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Swing and a Miss: NYT Faceplants on Christmas Day with Attempted Hit Piece on Clarence Thomas


While most people were enjoying Christmas presents and feasts with family, friends, and loved ones yesterday, the perpetually miserable folks at The New York Times decided to launch yet another attack on conservative Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. 


Thomas' crime this time? Apparently, he hires qualified and ambitious clerks who then go on to successful careers in the law, politics, entertainment, and other fields. 

We know. The horror, right? 

Thomas has served on SCOTUS since 1991. Each year, a justice is entitled to four clerks (though the Chief Justice is allowed to add a fifth). But the New York Times seems really upset that of Thomas' approximately 140 clerks, most of them are not only very successful but also very loyal to their former boss and share his political views. Shocking. 

Thomas' list of clerks IS impressive. It includes many current federal judges, law school professors and deans, partners in law firms, and more. Fox News host Laura Ingraham is also a former Thomas clerk. Senator Mike Lee, who actually clerked under Justice Scalia, is named by the Times as a Thomas 'adopted clerk' (we imagine it's because they think that's scary or something and because they hate Mike Lee too, not to mention the idea of adoption).


We don't know about you, but it sounds to us like Thomas knows how to pick quality people.

We all know why. They hate him. And here's the reason: 

Seems pretty racist of them, doesn't it? 

They're not. They're really, really, fundamentally not. 

It must completely destroy the media that Thomas is completely unphased by any of their hit pieces on him. And, of course, that's just another reason to laugh at them. 


The New York Times fires people for letting a sitting U.S. Senator write an op-ed in their pages, so no. We don't expect them to know anything about loyalty, integrity, or any other qualities of a good boss. 

They only sound like that because they are that.

We don't think they're even trying to hide it anymore. If they are, they're not very good at it. 

That monster. 

In fairness, they DO need a new word. 'Pounce' and 'seize' are getting pretty worn out. 

But the language in the tweet and the article is hilarious. Former clerks of Thomas are 'agents,' and they constitute 'an army of influential acolytes.' (No, we did not make that up; that phrase is actually in the article.) Thomas himself exercises an 'idiosyncratic brand of conservative legal thinking' (what does that even mean?), and the Times tries to paint the fact that he stays in touch with all of his former clerks as some kind of Star Chamber type of secret society.


It's all quite insane. But also mockable. 

It's always funny when the media believes that people still play by their rules, where they tell us what to think about something or someone and we dutifully listen to them. 

Those rules are long gone. The opposite is more the truth these days. And if the media is upset about that, all they need is a good mirror to discover who destroyed their trustworthiness and credibility. 


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