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The Magic Is Gone: Abigail Disney and Big Dem Donors Withhold Donations Until Biden Drops Out

Townhall Media/Chris Queen

It couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.

Spare us the 'Biden is a good man' rhetoric. He's been a power-hungry fixture of D.C. politics for half a century.

We watched him snake his way upward in the political class, pretending to be 'average Joe'. We watched him end his first bid for the presidency in disgrace. We watched him try to destroy the life of Clarence Thomas.


He finally managed to grasp the ultimate ring of power he's always coveted just as he was simultaneously losing his mind.

Dr. Jill, Hunter, and Biden himself in his lucid moments may be unwilling to give up the White House after all these years, but big Democrat donors aren't feeling the same after the blundering Biden bombed his debate against former President Trump. He appeared weak, halting, confused, and just flat-out unfit to hold the highest office in the nation.

Abigail Disney couldn't be more obvious than a Disney plotline. Granddaughter to Roy Disney, the man who did something useful with the Disney name, she's one of the heirs to the massive Disney fortune and spends her multi-million dollar life advocating for liberal causes, supporting Democrat and liberal causes, and sometimes trashing Disney.

A true child of privilege.

Hey, Joe, you've got a friend in … well … not many people these days.

As the article points out, another deep-pocketed Democrat donor, Gideon Stein, has also stated he's holding back $3.5 million in donations until Jill leads Biden off the stage for good.


They're not alone.

Money speaks and the Biden camp is feeling the heat.

We're not naive. This is a power play by big money to try to correct what many see as a doomed campaign, and for good reason.

We have little doubt Abigail will unleash her hoard of Disney dollars regardless of whether her stunt is successful. Ultimately, defeating Trump will get them in line.

That's just fine with us. We love watching these people waste money.

The sheer narcissism of Joe and Jill Biden has led to this train wreck for the Democrat Party.

Well deserved, indeed.


Christmas in July? Biden Belts Out a Hearty 'Ho, Ho, Ho!' on Independence Day (WATCH)


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