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Can we be honest about who is supportive of the evil acts of the Buffalo shooter ... no partisan division here

As quickly as the story of a shooting in Buffalo, NY developed, the finger-pointing began. The prevailing narrative appears to be the Buffalo shooter called himself a white supremacist in a rambling manifesto that was quickly removed from public access. If you did not have the opportunity to review said manifesto in its entirety, don’t worry, the Internet has it all figured out for you.  Naturally, those who detest everything about right-wing politics pin the blame squarely on the views and policies of their political nemeses.


In their haste to assign partisan blame for his vile & tragic act, no one seems to have reviewed responses or reactions from the party that would, according to the narrative, encourage and support gun violence in the name of white supremacism.

Surprise, you won’t see anyone rushing to defend the shooter or cheering the horrific outcome. It’s almost like there is no partisan difference, the human response to such a tragedy is to denounce the act, mourn the victims, and recognize the heroic.


Yet, the accusations are proclaimed with the bold assertions the media is willing to spread without evidence. In the not-so-distant past, public figures shied away from direct libel or slander. In a politically charged battle of polarized partisan narratives, however, anything seems to go.

Reality won’t stop opportunists from using the tragedy to support their agenda. At least there are some voices that are still permitted to respond – to point out the repeated hypocrisies, to ask questions, and counteract the narrative.

The only thing political Twitter agrees on is the loss of life was unnecessary and awful and that our present state as a nation and a society is somehow to blame.

No partisan division on that.


What he said.

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