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GOP Rep Connects Dots for CNN Host Waiting for 'Biden Crime Family' Proof (Cut to Commercial!)

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As we found out this week, Placeholder President Joe Biden is leaving office the same way he spent a lot of his time over the last four years: On vacation. That's right, Biden is departing the White House in three weeks and decided the whole family needed one last round of R&R with taxpayers again picking up the tab. The familiy is of course staying at the home of one of those billionaires who Biden has said won't pay their "fair share" in taxes:


President Biden and his family arrived Thursday in St. Croix for what may be the final unpaid vacation of his presidency at the home of wealthy businesspeople — after consistent freebies as commander-in-chief drew ethics questions and an outcry over his failure to report the gifts.

Biden, 82, first lady Jill Biden and fist daughter Ashley Biden landed aboard Air Force One on the afternoon following Christmas and motorcaded straight to the beachfront villa of Bill and Connie Neville.

The president hosted the couple at his first state dinner in 2022 and typically grants them an audience on the tarmac while leaving the island after the new year.

"Billionaires are bad," except the ones who support Democrats and provide them with places to vacation. 

The Biden "family business" probably won't be fully exposed for quite a while, and by then it'll be too late for anybody to do anything about it. But a big sign that Joe Biden knows there's something that could be found came in the form of his full pardon of Hunter going back ten years. But to some in the media, that's not even enough to provide a clue that, yes, there's been some shady dealings going on.

Republican Rep. Mike Lawler of New York was on CNN this week discussing that very topic with some help from Scott Jennings. Host Abby Phillip has yet to see any proof that the Biden "family business" has been to use Joe's political positions to make lots of money. Rep. Lawler, with an assist from Jennings, tried to connect the dots for Phillip, who couldn't bail out of the segment fast enough:


Here's the full transcript via @VigilantFox:

CNN host abruptly ends segment after her defense of Joe Biden’s crimes completely falls apart.

ABBY PHILLIP: “I’m still waiting to see the proof of Joe Biden enriching himself. I take his brother and his son, perhaps.”

REP. MIKE LAWLER: “I’ll give you the direct line. A Chinese company transferred money to a shell company owned by Hunter and Jim Biden that then transferred money directly to Jim and Sarah Biden’s shell company that then transferred the money to Jim and Sarah’s personal account, who then immediately wrote a check for $40,000 to Joe Biden. So to say that there was no evidence is not true.”

ABBY PHILLIP: “Trump was president for four years. He wanted to charge Joe Biden. Why did the charges not come? And I think that still remains an open question. If there is something illegal happening here, there should be charges on the basis of what you’re saying, and there have not been.”

REP. MIKE LAWLER: “Well, he just pardoned Hunter for an 11-year time period.”

SCOTT JENNINGS: “He just wiped the slate! Jim will be next.”

ABBY PHILLIP: “Hang on, guys.” (Ends segment)


Yes indeed, Joe Biden will be in office three more weeks and nobody believes we've seen the last of the pardons. Not that CNN hosts or MSNBC "journalists" will think that's any kind of a sign that there's ever been a "Biden crime family."

That's certainly not the first time we've seen the "quick exit" approach taken by a CNN host who has been painted into a corner.

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