Now that voters have all seen what an absolute disaster Kamala Harris is in even softball solo interviews, the lib media's next pivot has become obvious: "What Harris says doesn't really matter."
Such was the case on CNN today when the former host of "Reliable Sources," which frequently featured some of the most unreliable sources in America, covered for the Democrat nominee this way.
CNN has reinstated disgraced Brian Stelter — and the legacy media court jester and shameless DNC propaganda tool is back with a scorcher:
— Western Lensman (@WesternLensman) September 14, 2024
What Kamala *says* isn’t important — the images of her being hopey and changey are what really matters to voters.
This is CNN.
Stelter said Harris' "hope and change image" and rally pictures are more important that the substance of what she's saying. Oh please! The only "hope" from her campaign is in the form of "we sure hope she doesn't have to do anymore interviews" and the "change" is "if anybody asks an actual question change the subject as fast as possible."
Let the Democrat propaganda flow. Let it flow
— Cash Loren (@CashLorenShow) September 14, 2024
Stelter's comments sound like they were email talking points that came straight from DNC headquarters after the cringe-y Harris interview with a Philadelphia ABC affiliate.
“Don't listen to anything she actually says!” is actual spin now. Hysterical.
— Western Lensman (@WesternLensman) September 14, 2024
Watching the media try to help sell Biden's VP of nearly four years as the "change" candidate is just more of their trademark shamelessness.
When you see 4 talking heads like this on TV you absolutely know no journalism is happening.
— Super Journalist (Ret) - JOURN-L of Skrypton (@Magnum_CK) September 14, 2024
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