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Babylon Bee Has a Kamala Harris Headline the MSM Refuses to Go With Because It's WAY Too Accurate


Right now, the Kamala Harris campaign's strategy is to lie about where she stands on the issues while giving the media zero access to the candidate but counting on those same people to churn out promotional propaganda. So far that plan has worked because the media has again demonstrated an eagerness to carry water for the Dems. For example, the media was given a memo on what word to use to describe the Harris campaign, and they ran with it:


Predictably, the Associated Press got in on that action as well:

If by "joy" the AP means "total BS," then maybe they're onto something.

It's too bad the media's so incredibly dishonest because their job could be much easier by just reporting facts. This is where, ironically, the satire sight Babylon Bee does more accurate reporting than the MSM.

Harris' campaign promises about the border and other issues are easily summed up this way: 


That nutshells it perfectly!

Which is part of the reason why the Harris campaign won't allow the candidate to take any questions. They can't risk the possibility that some actual journalism could take place from a rogue reporter.

Oddly enough, the parodies are coming from the outlets that consider themselves to be serious journalists.

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