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Here's Another Indicator Biden's 'Convicted Felon' Line of Attack Is Working Out Great (for Trump)

Meme screenshot

While Donald Trump remains on the campaign trail, President Biden's spending the several days leading up to Thursday's debate to rehearse A) Standing up for 90 minutes, and B) Referencing his debate opponent as a "convicted felon" as often as possible. 

The "Trump's a convicted felon" thing has been a part of the Biden campaign's repertoire for a little while now and they're hoping it's enough to get voters to stop caring how much more everything costs, the new wars and no longer care that there are criminals flowing across the open border: 

President Biden's campaign is leaning into former President Donald Trump's legal issues with a new TV ad calling Trump a "convicted felon." 

Trump last month was found guilty of 34 charges of falsifying business records to cover up payments to adult film actress Stormy Daniels in an effort to prevent voters from learning of an alleged sexual encounter between the two. Trump denies the sexual encounter ever happened. 

The ad, titled "Character Matters," begins with a narrator saying, "In the courtroom, we see Donald Trump for who he is." It then references not only his 34 felony convictions, but the former president being found liable for sexual abuse and defamation in May 2023 and the New York City civil case in which a judge found the Trump Organization committed fraud. 

"This election is between a convicted criminal, who's only out for himself, and a president who is fighting for your family," the ad ends with, as the campaign looks to highlight the contrast between the two candidates.

Biden will no doubt be mentioning this at the debate Thursday and will likely get a lot of help from the CNN moderators. 

According to the prediction market, Biden's made things so bad that no matter what they say about Trump, nothing is working. Perhaps the opposite is the case: 

Also, as we approach the November election being just four months away, Biden still trails in all swing states:

Perhaps a Trump comeback could be, "Joe, maybe ask yourself how badly you've ruined the country in order to still be trailing a convicted felon who is a victim of your rigged justice system." 

Or maybe "claiming to love your son but that term as a pejorative doesn't sound like something the loving father of a convicted felon should do" would fit in nicely.


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