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Sinking Pier Architect Tells Voters He's Also Leading a '$60 Zillion-Dollar Bridge' Project


President Biden and VP Kamala Harris were in Philadelphia today trying to shore up voting demographics that are usually Dem strongholds but are showing cracks because... well, things have gotten worse since Biden took office -- for almost everybody except the cartels and climate change scammers. 


First, a reminder that Biden's "Build Back Better" initiatives are even a disaster overseas: 

Meanwhile, in Philly today, the same president who gave the green light to that project let voters know that he's making sure the bridge in Baltimore is rebuilt, and at the cost of... how much?


That was a nice smattering of applause for the "$60 zillion-dollar" bridge project from people who were probably saying to themselves "WTF?"

Yeah, that's why the White House had to bring in Elmo.

Hopefully, the construction goes a little faster than the multibillion-dollar Biden administration effort to install EV chargers.

We wouldn't doubt it.

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