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'Weak and Pathetic' Update: Biden WH Has Made Assurances to Hamas About the New Pier


It was another banner week for the Biden White House in the Middle East with John Kirby making it clear that aid to Israel has been put on hold while the aid to Gaza and Hamas is moving along with the help of a U.S.-built pier.

Kirby went full weasel yesterday when he insisted that Biden's not "withholding" aid to Israel, just putting a pause on delivering it: 

That brings us to the floating pier that's been constructed to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza (aid that's most likely being swiped by Hamas but the Biden White House is gullible enough to believe their assurances). 

Trucks carrying badly needed aid for the Gaza Strip rolled across a newly built U.S. pier and into the besieged enclave for the first time Friday as Israeli restrictions on border crossings and heavy fighting hindered the delivery of food and other supplies.

The shipment is the first in an operation that American military officials anticipate could scale up to 150 truckloads a day, all while Israel presses in on the southern city of Rafah in its seven-month offensive against Hamas. At the White House, National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said “more than 300 pallets” of aid were in the initial delivery and handed over to the U.N., which was preparing it for distribution.

How is the White House going to ensure that personnel working at the pier to deliver aid to Gaza won't come under attack? Biden's "Don't" doctrine is back in play, and you know how that works out. Besides, it also sounds like Team Joe has been saying "pretty please" so Hamas doesn't attack the pier: 

This has to be just about the weakest U.S. administration in an awful long time. 

Surely the terrorist group that attacked and killed all those innocent people on October 7th will be moved by Biden's assurances and won't attack a non-military target.

This administration would be comical if they weren't so dangerously incompetent.

There are still reportedly several American citizens being held in Gaza, their condition is unknown, and the Biden White House is making assurances to their captors about a pier.

November can't get here fast enough.


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