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NBC News working hard to earn a 'state-affiliated media' tag for this take on Biden's Ireland trip

Can you just imagine the media headlines if Trump was still president and went to Ireland and had all the bumbling and stumbling moments that Biden did during the trip (“lick the world,” etc.)?

Instead Biden’s getting a media tongue bath of epic proportions. Just to ease our way into NBC News’ mega-hackery, here’s one such take from the New York Times:

The Washington Post will earn a few social credit points from the White House and the president who Blewitt for this offering:

The media kneepads are already nearly worn through, but NBC News finished the job with this spin that should earn them one of Twitter’s “state-affiliated media” tags:

That’s enough to make even North Korean state media embarrassed.

Hunter Biden certainly seemed to be enjoying the taxpayer-funded vacay.

There’s been so much media fawning this week that Bambi could sue them for copyright infringement.

Imagine if the media reported honestly about some of the things that actually happened while Biden was in Ireland.

While the media was filing fawning reports, this is the kind of thing that was happening:

The media’s alternate reality is an incredible embarrassment.



Transcript of Biden’s answer to kid’s question about key to success is real, and it’s something else

NBC News’ Sahil Kapur finds it pretty sus that Ron DeSantis was so secretive about anti-abortion law

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