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DeSantis spox shows just how effective those activist group Fla. 'travel advisories' have been

Lefty activists and lib media (as always, pardon the redundancy) have been trying to portray Florida under Ron DeSantis as the place to NOT be since the start of the pandemic (remember the beach Grim Reaper guy?). Ever since DeSantis was overwhelmingly re-elected last November the calls to boycott the Sunshine State hellscape have ramped up. California Gov. Gavin Newsom has a rule against state-funded travel to Florida, though that didn’t stop Newsom himself from visiting recently. Along the way activist groups have issued “travel advisories” warning people to stay away from Florida.


Here’s one of the latest examples:

How have all those calls to avoid Florida gone since DeSantis has been governor? DeSantis press secretary Bryan Griffin has rubbed some more salt in prog wounds:


Couple that with people leaving California (and other blue states) to move to Florida, Texas and elsewhere and the Left’s efforts to ruin Florida have been massive fails:



Well, they tried!



Christina Pushaw spotlights ‘another swing and a miss’ from Puck News journo who aimed at DeSantis


WaPo editorial board spin about Gov. DeSantis sounds like Gavin Newsom wrote it


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