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Greta Thunberg spotted showing why the green movement is 'a religion, not science'

Fuel crises in parts of the world have forced many who previously called for everything to be powered by rainbows, gumdrops & unicorns to come to grips with reality. For example, European Parliament has voted to consider nuclear power and gas to be “climate-friendly.”

Via Reuters:

The European Parliament on Wednesday backed EU rules labelling investments in gas and nuclear power plants as climate-friendly, throwing out an attempt to block the law that has exposed deep rifts between countries over how to fight climate change.

The vote paves the way for the European Union proposal to pass into law, unless 20 of the bloc’s 27 member states decide to oppose the move, which is seen as very unlikely.

The new rules will add gas and nuclear power plants to the EU “taxonomy” rulebook from 2023, enabling investors to label and market investments in them as green.

Uh oh, Greta Thunberg’s not going to be happy! Here’s what the climate activist tweeted yesterday:

Thunberg has been spotted giving away the game with that tweet:

Religion — cult — whatever you want to call that particular movement, it’s clear that “solving climate change” isn’t the real agenda here.

It’s all about control. And money of course.

Then again, many of these alarmists are the same ones who tell us the oceans are about to engulf the coasts and then drop millions on beachfront property.



Germany’s latest move on energy sure to trigger a lecture from Greta Thunberg and climate alarmists everywhere

Compare & contrast quick pivot on climate change from Vox to previous alarmism

The Mona Lisa takes a cake in the face for climate change and the unhinged can still earn a proper trip to the psych ward across the globe


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