There are so many takes from the mainstream media and Democrats (pardon the redundancy) over the past year heaping high praise on New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo that have aged horribly, but @Neontaster spotted the Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin coming to quite a realization. Try not to get whiplash from the fast pivot here:
Come with me on this journey of self-discovery.
— Noam Blum (@neontaster) March 1, 2021
LOL. This is quite the evolution:
Watching Andrew Cuomo is inspiring, uplifting, fascinating. He weaves details and humor and math and common sense all together. He is magnificent. Let's just listen to him.
— Jennifer Rubin (@JRubinBlogger) March 25, 2020
many people ask: Are you all big-"D" Democrats now? My answer is “it depends.” I am a Pat Moynihan Democrat, a Scoop Jackson Democrat, an Andrew Cuomo Democrat.
— Jennifer 'pro-reality' Rubin (@JRubinBlogger) May 13, 2020
Cuomo: If we were foolish enough to listen to your projections, Mr. President, shame on us #bestillmyheart
— Jennifer 'pro-reality' Rubin (@JRubinBlogger) April 17, 2020
“#BeStillMyHeart”? OK…
Opinion | Andrew Cuomo’s survival in office looks doubtful <– agree
— Jennifer 'pro-reality' Rubin (@JRubinBlogger) February 28, 2021
Rubin, like so many others, chose to ignore reality in the name of “Orange Man Bad” and are now only recognizing it because there’s no other choice.
It actually takes talent to be this wrong so many times
— M (@MJKobeFlocka) March 1, 2021
It’s almost like hating Trump isn’t enough to make you the perfect politician anymore.
— SmallMailman (@Alphasoccerdad) March 1, 2021
These journalists deserve the dunking they are getting. They shielded Cuomo until the absolute last second that they could and now they are all so shocked and horrified to discover what every conservative shouted from the rooftops for a year.
— Jimmy Shaw (@_jimmyshaw) March 1, 2021
— Drew Holden (@DrewHolden360) March 1, 2021
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