We told you last week about the massive amount of blowback Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has gotten for a ridiculous level of overreach with her response to the coronavirus outbreak. The ban-happy governor has gone as far as to prohibit the sale of infant car seats, garden seeds, flooring, paint and golf. Also forbidden is contracted landscaping as well as driving between two residences even if you own both properties (but we’re guessing the governor will still require property taxes to be paid on both).
The criticism of Whitmer has spilled over, and a protest took place at the State Capitol in Lansing today, with most people remaining in their cars while some people walked to the Capitol steps:
Massive convoy heading from Lowell to Lansing for #operationgridlock. Group is protesting @GovWhitmer extending stay-at-home order through end of April. Saying it violates their rights @wzzm13 pic.twitter.com/Jfc4u9odf2
— Noah Fromson (@NoahFromson) April 15, 2020
Thousands of people from all over Michigan are converging on our state Capitol today to protest the governor’s restrictive “Stay Home” order and get their voices, and car horns, heard. #OperationGridlock pic.twitter.com/bgjH4wKCUQ
— MI House Republicans (@MI_Republicans) April 15, 2020
The scene in Lansing right now as protests over @GovWhitmer's stay home order continue.
WATCH LIVE: https://t.co/0aI6nDcIMI pic.twitter.com/Kyi9RZIpQw
— Detroit Free Press (@freep) April 15, 2020
I tried to warn all you people in the DC/NYC bubble that a storm was coming. Nobody listened. You sat in your apartments and didn’t miss a paycheck and told everyone to shut up and stay inside.
It’s coming. Open this country. And soon. https://t.co/vl6NL1G6HO
— Jesse Kelly (@JesseKellyDC) April 15, 2020
However, in defense of her Orwellian overreach, Gov. Whitmer pointed out that some of the stuff that’s prohibited can’t be done anyway. Why? Well, here’s her explanation with a big smile:
Gretchen Whitmer: Authoritarianism is okay because it's snowing! ❄❄❄ pic.twitter.com/51oFMrADO8
— Mike Joyce (@mjoyce317) April 15, 2020
Whitmer saying things like that is just going to make it worse for herself.
Hey, I can cancel the Bill of Rights because of weather! https://t.co/J1O9MJWdG7
— Emerald Robinson ✝️ (@EmeraldRobinson) April 15, 2020
Looks like @GovWhitmer is the best weather prediction expert in the history of man. She predicted a tiny snow flurry 2 weeks in advance . https://t.co/SIVwPRB9X9
— Mark Young (@MarkYoungTruth) April 15, 2020
Odd that she isn't wearing a different colored shirt for this. You know, something in a brownish color. https://t.co/NigCuWsOK8
— Physics Geek (@physicsgeek) April 15, 2020
This woman is a lunatic. https://t.co/UvmxKQrL5y
— Paul Blair (@gopaulblair) April 15, 2020
Remember that polar vortex of snow and ice that didn't require authoritarianism or businesses to shut down indefinitely to get through? Yeah, me too.
The snow has never stop the economy and business opportunity in Michigan quite like wannabe dictator Gretchen Whitmer has. https://t.co/lwQWJ1J0TZ
— Chrissy Clark (@chrissyclark_) April 15, 2020
This should scare everyone. https://t.co/OTFYRHHXSl
— Ryan Kelly (@Ryankelly281) April 15, 2020
Look at her smile about taking away their right to do anything … wow. This is what authoritarianism looks like. https://t.co/qpYAp838ex
— The?FOO (@PolitiBunny) April 15, 2020
Can a reporter ask Whitmer why there’s a need for “cracking down” (her words) on things like travel, landscaping and other things if the snow is already doing so?
We used to have a governor in Michigan.
Now she's just auditioning to be Biden's VP pick. https://t.co/HhJ5M8O5wA
— Joshua Mercer (@joshuamercer) April 15, 2020
And doing that while turning so many people in the state against her is a bold strategy indeed.
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