With world leaders having solved all other problems, Canadian PM Justin Trudeau encouraged everybody to go all-in for Earth Hour Saturday night:
You’re already at home tonight, so why not unplug for #EarthHour at 8:30PM local time? Whatever you do tonight, #StayAtHomeAndStaySafe.
— Justin Trudeau (@JustinTrudeau) March 28, 2020
With a looming carbon tax increase in Canada combined with the coronavirus pandemic, Trudeau’s Earth Hour suggestion couldn’t have come at a worse time.
turning off the ventilators to save the planet
— CFAO 20-20 (@cfao2020) March 28, 2020
unplugging my ventilator for #EarthHour, thank you Justin https://t.co/NaNFG1A4CP
— anime graf mays ✈️? (@grafby) March 28, 2020
Overall it’s just a really bad time to go full environmentalist:
Earth hour is the last thing on my mind during a pandemic. https://t.co/hUnrk6TYo4
— Charlene Desrochers (@char_lawyer) March 29, 2020
There's out of touch, and then there's this…#cdnpoli https://t.co/0aa8rkuDJS
— Sean Phelan (@ST_Phelan) March 28, 2020
So you want a black out, eh?
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) March 29, 2020
This BS is so not our concern at the moment. https://t.co/w1PNyqynY2
— Stephen Taylor (@stephen_taylor) March 29, 2020
Oh, FFS! https://t.co/E6stXeLDPw
— D. Neil McKay, Esq. (@dneilmckay) March 29, 2020
https://t.co/dkUJXGl8Xf pic.twitter.com/u4T0GBSUbv
— Ryan McLeod (@Reeman1979) March 28, 2020
Are you kidding? Why? In honour of the 50% carbon tax increase on April Fools Day? https://t.co/mhnP7N0NTQ
— Nicole_in_AB (@nicole_in_AB) March 29, 2020
Holy shit dickwad. A pandemic in full swing. Our economy shut off. Our spending out of control and you're tweeting this pablum? Canada is so in trouble. https://t.co/zWX3QjT2OH
— Refsareouttolunch (@diiblack) March 29, 2020
READ THE ROOM DUDE https://t.co/9ahaO0lzgn
— Tyler Olsen (@ty_olsen) March 29, 2020
Can't let it go. Not bad enough yet,eh? https://t.co/ZeKPEGqDWt
— Yvonne C, socially distant (@CountryGardener) March 28, 2020
I think Earth has given us all enough shit to deal with this month. https://t.co/R5iDL1usXK
— Kevin Wiener (@kevin_wiener) March 29, 2020
oh yeah, because that's what we need during a pandemic https://t.co/D6zoYc9Y97
— Chaparral 2K (@Chaparral_2K) March 29, 2020
Yeah no I don't think so been in my house for over 2 weeks at least let me have my TV and lights!!! https://t.co/pkdFUTHVKj
— Yaakov Pollak (@Yanky_Pollak) March 29, 2020
People self-quarantining at home really like being told to turn off whatever modern conveniences they have access to in order to satisfy one of the left’s favorite “holidays.” *Eye roll*
You do like it when things go dark.
— nortouQ (@nortouQ) March 28, 2020
We see what you did there.
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