There were plenty of options for the hottest of this week’s hot takes, but it was hard not to laugh at one word that accompanied the take in question:
The word “scholar” really takes a hit here
— Keith Maniac, from Guatemala (@CutItOutPutin) December 7, 2019
Indeed it does:
Trump would become a king if impeachment fails, scholar warns
— MarketWatch (@MarketWatch) December 7, 2019
And that came courtesy of University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill law professor Michael Gerhardt. It was one of the many “WTF” moments from Wednesday’s House Judiciary Committee impeachment inquiry hearing.
Apparently "scholar" has lost all meaning and is simply short-hand for insane "partisan hack"
— Fusilli Spock (@awstar11) December 7, 2019
There were three partisan hack “witnesses” at Wednesday’s impeachment hearing, zero of which actually witnessed anything.
These morons have no sense of perspective
— Eddie Zipperer (@EddieZipperer) December 7, 2019
There's something fundamentally defective about American scholars.
— anselm (@Shype_12) December 7, 2019
People, it's right there in the constitution… "If Congress attempts to impeach the President and fails, this constitution shall become null and void."
— Judgmental Cornpop ?? ?? ?? (@DocKilmer) December 7, 2019
Narrator: impeachment failed and he didn’t become king
— j (@JustinHoward44) December 7, 2019
— Jon B (@DROCNCPF_Guy) December 7, 2019
Put the eggnog down.
— Lexi (@penngirl72) December 7, 2019
What in the world could be next?
Experts warn that 38% of all kittens will die unless Trump is impeached.
— Renna (@RennaW) December 7, 2019
Nobody panic!
Maybe the "scholar" needs to see a "professional" about his "problem".
— Kevin Schurig (@AginKs) December 7, 2019
There definitely was a lot of TDS in the room at Wednesday’s hearing.