When it comes to sounding the alarm about climate change, there are some that seemingly spend every waking hour trying to figure out how to influence your behavior. Here’s the latest example:
Bloomberg editorial pushes for "Meatless Mondays" to battle climate change https://t.co/TJ0iHachyc pic.twitter.com/sSiZQeBeUT
— The Hill (@thehill) September 23, 2019
The Bloomberg editors should have run that idea by all the 2020 Democrats at the Iowa Steak Fry this past weekend! Bloomberg Opinion and some of their editors were helping pitch the idea:
You could drive 70 fewer miles each week — or you could switch to the Mediterranean diet and have the same climate impact https://t.co/DHHz3QM1Gq via @bopinion
— Andreas Kluth (@andreaskluth) September 23, 2019
As you consider your lunch options, maybe go meatless? "Skipping a single quarter-pound hamburger can save more than 400 gallons of water and the energy it takes to power a smartphone for six months." https://t.co/58NCSm6MAz
— Stacey Shick Samuels (@StaceyShick) September 23, 2019
Give up meat (for a day, at least) https://t.co/NCI5B8qU2K via @bopinion pic.twitter.com/21jxWgm4Rs
— Zoe Schneeweiss (@ZSchneeweiss) September 23, 2019
From a climate-change perspective, serving your family roast beef at dinner is as bad as driving about 100 miles in the average car https://t.co/8bRNspXnIl
— Bloomberg Opinion (@bopinion) September 23, 2019
?Skipping a single quarter-pound hamburger can save:
?More than 400 gallons of water
⚡The energy it takes to power a smartphone for six months?Do it every week for a year, and the savings are equivalent to biking 1,000 miles instead of driving https://t.co/TcDx6gjymY
— Bloomberg Opinion (@bopinion) September 23, 2019
The Law of Unintended Consequences being what it is, combined with the human nature of not being told what to do, means that Bloomberg’s proposed endeavor could backfire badly:
Damn…I need to put off buying and cooking my beef pot roast from Sunday to Monday now. Thanks Bloomberg!!
— AccountingDrone (@AccountingDrone) September 23, 2019
Two steaks for me every Monday now ?
— CC (@vegaschadc) September 23, 2019
I ate three hamburgers today and I'm not sorry. https://t.co/T8pRqtEKRd
— Avi Woolf, WTF Conservative? (@AviWoolf) September 23, 2019
— I’m Jim Acosta’s Love Child (@JimAcostaJr) September 23, 2019
Alright. I’ll have meat tonight
— Aaron Frigge (@heyfrigge) September 23, 2019
Nope, I’ll just grow my own and have meat every day. You city folks can go without meat, and could do with a lot less stuff as well and the rest of us will be better off.
— Tree Sims (@sims_tree) September 23, 2019
Glad I had a cheeseburger today! ?
— Steve Smith (@av8steve) September 23, 2019
Nah I'm good. I'm tired of people telling me how to live my life as if I want to live a life like your own
— Instinct (@Chrispocalypse) September 23, 2019
Bloomberg’s meat warning comes too late for 2020 Dems seeking votes at the Iowa Steak Fry.
Where were you when Dems used 10,500 pounds of meat this weekend just for likes on Twitter. https://t.co/eqQpqPq5Rt
— The Dank Knight ? (@capeandcowell) September 23, 2019
I don’t recall people having a problem with the Dem hypocrites grilling steaks over the weekend…interesting. https://t.co/r8QAvL37ug
— TRAVELING MA’AMHOLE!!! (@sabes84) September 23, 2019
Maybe because it wasn’t Monday? We’re confused too.
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