The arrest of Roger Stone has brought with it the usual response from liberals like Rob Reiner whenever something happens they can make fit the Resistance’s narrative:
Working our way up the food chain. And keeping the government shut is not going to allow the lying puerile sociopath to escape the consequences of his crimes. Paid or unpaid law enforcement will not allow this fool to conspire with an enemy to steal an election.
— Rob Reiner (@robreiner) January 25, 2019
He’s come a long way since this slam on the FBI in 2016:
The Russians can collude with DT. The FBI can collude with DT. The American people won't have their democracy stolen from them. HRC WILL WIN
— Rob Reiner (@robreiner) November 5, 2016
If we’re reading all this correctly, the same FBI who Reiner accused of colluding with Trump is now leading the charge to hold him accountable for helping bring the Dem narrative that he colluded with Russia to life. The turnaround is dizzying, but it’s entirely possible Reiner will be back to being disgusted with the intelligence community by the time this is all over.
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