During Ted Cruz’s round of questioning of SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh, the Texas senator brought the name of a certain former nominee:
— Chad Felix Greene (@chadfelixg) September 5, 2018
Ted Cruz notes that #Kavanaugh has voted in agreement with Merrick Garland on the DC Circuit 93 percent of the time.
— Stephanie Mencimer (@smencimer) September 5, 2018
Sen. Ted Cruz compares the record of Merrick Garland, Obama's Supreme Court nominee, to that of Brett Kavanaugh pic.twitter.com/waA2H4MhPG
— Yahoo News (@YahooNews) September 5, 2018
Uh oh, get under something heavy and hold on!
of course ted cruz is going to compare kavanaugh to garland WHO THEY NEVER HELD A HEARING FOR without any sense of irony. Leave it to Ted Cruz to make a stupid and pointless point without any sense of history or context. #StopKavanaugh
— Zerlina Maxwell (@ZerlinaMaxwell) September 5, 2018
How dare Ted Cruz bring up Merrick Garland.
— Matt Murphy (@MattMurph24) September 5, 2018
Ted Cruz is using Kavanaugh's record of agreement with Merrick Garland to defend Kavanaugh's nomination.
— Michael Kremer (@m_j_kremer) September 5, 2018
How dare Ted Cruz bring up Merrick Garland in his "interview" of Judge Kavanaugh?!
— Jennette Yates (@tandjnam) September 5, 2018
Was anybody else outraged when Tad Cruz had the audacity to bring up Chief Justice Merrick Garland in this suspect hearing when didn’t even meet the man? He did this to give Kananaugh cover saying Kavanaugh and Merrick voted the same 90+ % of the time. Disgusting! pic.twitter.com/wbngN771jK
— anna everett (@anna_everett) September 5, 2018
Ted Cruz needs to keep Merrick Garland's name out his ??? mouth.
— CleverUserName (@almostastute) September 5, 2018
Really Ted Cruz??? You invoke Garland’s name? The guy you wouldn’t even give a hearing to?!?!
— Kimba Fuzz (@kimbafuzz) September 5, 2018
And on and on it went!
DAMN SON! Ted Cruz DISMANTLES Senate Dems and their whining about missing Kavanaugh docs (watch)
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