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Time Mag reporter tries to spin Claire McCaskill's airborne 'RV tour' embarrassment into hypocrisy 'gotcha' on Trump, fails miserably

As Twitchy told you yesterday, Sen. Claire McCaskill of Missouri has been canvassing Missouri connecting with regular people on an “RV tour.” One catch was, as McCaskill later admitted, her frequent use of a private plane to get from one place to another.


President Trump rubbed it in this afternoon:

Time Magazine political reporter Philip Elliott thought that was hypocritical of Trump:

Those two situations are totally comparable! Wait, no they’re not:


Well there’s that. However, that wasn’t stopping Elliott from sounding like somebody who works in McCaskill’s office:

After all that you might almost forget that all this started because he tried to assign McCaskill’s hypocrisy to Trump.


Trump also wasn’t flying around in a private jet and telling people everywhere he landed that fossil fuels were condemning humanity to eventual extinction. But Elliott did correct the source that broke the story first:

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