President Trump bringing former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton on board to serve as national security adviser has been the source of much hyperventilation, with CNN even going out of its way to ignore certain parts of Bolton’s resume. Meanwhile, among the Resistance, the triggering just went up a notch:
John Bolton named national security adviser. It’s time to panic now.
— Slate (@Slate) March 23, 2018
Planned Parenthood agrees that Bolton is just dangerous:
John Bolton is yet another extreme ideologue in the Trump-Pence administration's ongoing parade of dangerous appointees.
— Planned Parenthood Action (@PPact) March 23, 2018
Ever since the election of Trump, the Left has had the “panic” alarm on full blast, so it’s difficult for them to make it any louder. And accusations of “extreme” coming from Planned Parenthood is a “pot meet kettle” moment for the ages.
Nothing more dangerous than #ppsellbabyorgans
— Marion Murphy (@Osbers) March 23, 2018
“Extreme”? Give it a rest, Planned Parenthood.
SERIOUSLY!? What Planned Parenthood’s going to march for is ‘beyond parody’
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