On Wednesday, Politico tweeted (and then deleted) a cartoon by Matt Wuerker. Dana Loesch was among those slamming the backfired snark:
Really Politico? Dana Loesch, Jesse Kelly, Brandon Darby and others respond to disgusting cartoon https://t.co/HdvGlBxcGy
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) August 30, 2017
Not to be outdone, editorial cartoonist Mike Luckovich of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution offered a similar take:
08/30 Mike Luckovich: Pleez hep! https://t.co/ye7yUcRSey pic.twitter.com/rlazALvn28
— mike luckovich (@mluckovichajc) August 29, 2017
Idiotic on multiple levels. Fortunately Dana Loesch had yet another truth bomb in her arsenal to drop:
Someone doesn't understand the voting demo in Houston … and is also an insensitive jerk busy stereotyping instead of helping. https://t.co/TxCfHzXkYP
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) September 2, 2017
Another pathetic attempt to slam Texans gets dismantled.
Good thing Texans dont give a fuck what he thinks.
— primary mccain (@PrimaryMcCain) September 2, 2017
Once again, the left exposes its ignorance of what it means to be a conservative. Hint: We believe in paying for essential govt services.
— ImperfectConsrvative (@imper_con) September 2, 2017
Not only offensive, but an insult to those risking their lives to help others. https://t.co/LX2jsGfo7O
— Elizabeth Holt ❌ (@ejholt_holt) September 2, 2017
Funny, I haven't seen a single story where Texans are screaming for help from FEMA. It's not only insulting, but inaccurate.
— Andra Marquardt (@almarquardt) September 2, 2017
Cartoonist explains how his Politico panel wasn’t aimed at Texans, but the secessionist movement
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