The Washington Post, citing an article in an ISIS magazine, is reporting that the terrorist network is encouraging followers to get “easy” access to weapons by picking them up at U.S. gun shows:
WaPo: Islamic State magazine steers followers to U.S. gun shows for ‘easy’ access to weapons
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) May 5, 2017
Welp. —> Islamic State magazine steers followers to U.S. gun shows for ‘easy’ access to weapons.
— Caroline Orr (@RVAwonk) May 5, 2017
Dana Loesch isn’t having any of that:
One of the dumbest, most legally ignorant articles you'll read today.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 5, 2017
ISIS comes out for gun control in this WaPo piece. Duh. They like defenseless people. Anti-gun groups like Moms Demand are cheering this.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 5, 2017
Exactly. And besides, this might be a much better way to frame it:
Big surprise there.
Liberals walk right into being defenseless idiots with Criminals walking right in the door
— SuzieQ?? (@MindfulnessWins) May 5, 2017
@DLoesch This is actually good! If they take this direction they can be arrested and removed from society. Win!
— Butch Parks (@bparks44) May 5, 2017
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