The website of “Glamour” is running an article titled “Gun Extremists Are Stalking, Threatening, and Spitting on Pro-Gun-Control Women”:
The article contains some harsh accounts, so Dana Loesch asked the author, Tanya Edwards, if she vetted the stories, which came from sources such as Mother Jones and the Michael Bloomberg-funded Everytown for Gun Safety:
@MissTanya Did you ask for any sort of police report or evidence of any kind before running an unvetted story? Check:
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 19, 2014
It’s fair enough to ask a writer a question about how a supposedly factual story was vetted, isn’t it?
Guess not:
Troll? Well then. So is that a yes, or a no?
Wow, no need to be rude simply because I questioned your reporting @MissTanya . So you confirm that you didn't vet your piece before pub?
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 19, 2014
. @MissTanya I didn't. I asked you a question. It seems you didn't vet the piece you ran. Why not?
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 19, 2014
Based on her response, I'll assume that @MissTanya failed to vet her story before rewriting another site's blog post and publishing it.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 19, 2014
Not sure why it's so difficult for you to say whether you vetted a piece or not @MissTanya . If you did, you'd say it, yes?
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 19, 2014
Most people following that conversation assumed the non-response equated to an answer of “no” to Loesch’s fairly straightforward question:
That means "no". Vetting might mean she'd learn something inconvenient. Oh, and @MissTanya? @DLoesch didn't troll you. There's a difference
— Tom "WTF's Next" Knighton (@TheTomKnighton) May 19, 2014
@DLoesch @MissTanya libs do not vet, do not concern themselves with things like truth and credibility. Move along now, nothing to see.
— Boyd Myers (@boydmyers) May 19, 2014
@MissTanya you assumed someone was spit on in an airport concourse without proof. You think there are cameras in indy airport? @DLoesch
— Kevin (@kevinpost) May 19, 2014
@DLoesch @MissTanya Now now, Ms Loesch, don't pester Ms Edwards about facts or journalistic standards.
— Robert Hampton (@sillynotabsurd) May 19, 2014
@Tomcat1066 @MissTanya @DLoesch With Glamour quoting from Mother Jones and Shannon Watts, you know the piece will be filled with falsehoods.
— The Original SPQR in 3D (@SPQRzilla) May 19, 2014
.@DLoesch Libs never let the facts or truth get in the way of an attack on Conservatives @MissTanya
— Tom T. ن®?? (@VRWCTexan) May 19, 2014
@DLoesch Interesting that @MissTanya would write an article bemoaning hostility toward women and then respond to you in such a nasty way
— Sean Grove (@seantgrove) May 19, 2014
@DLoesch @VRWCTexan @MissTanya She was called out and exposed. CHECKMATE..
— Redlion's Den (@eddierrn24) May 19, 2014
Hi @MissTanya, can you send out the list of who is & isn't worthy of knowing if you verified your work? Just to know for future. @DLoesch
— HouseRepEEE (@EEElverhoy) May 19, 2014
An irony in the “Glamour” contributor’s “troll” accusation was spotted:
Odd, I consider running a regurgitation of another's unvetted piece maligning a group to be "trolling," if we're using that word.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 19, 2014
A troll calling Dana a troll. Ironic. @_DWRobinson @MissTanya @DLoesch
— ?? The?FOO ?? (@PolitiBunny) May 19, 2014
Update: The author of the article at Glamour’s website apologized to Loesch:
. @MissTanya I appreciate that. I was genuinely asking because if such people exist on my side I want to take them to task.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) May 19, 2014
Editor’s note: A spelling error has been corrected in the title of this post.
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