The lighting of the menorah at the White House took place yesterday:
When we light this menorah in the White House, when Jewish families place menorahs in their windows, we are proclaiming liberty and showing that there is still light. That little bit of light, wherever it is found, can dispel the darkness and illuminate a path forward.
— President Biden (@POTUS) December 2, 2021
Kamala Harris introduces Joe Biden as “a man of deep faith” who is “guided by the light always” at Hanukkah menorah lighting
— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) December 1, 2021
The president who is “guided by the light always” is also guided by his campaign slogan even more. Obviously President Biden was advised to stay on message because this is part of what he had to say:
Biden, on message at the Hannukah menorah lighting: “A little bit of light, wherever it is found, can dispel the darkness and illuminate the path forward … we can not only build back better, but build back brighter.”
— Edward-Isaac Dovere (@IsaacDovere) December 1, 2021
Biden at White House menorah lighting ceremony: "Whether it's in the temple of Jerusalem or the temple of our democracy, nothing broken or profane is beyond repair, nothing. We can always build back better, perhaps build back brighter."
— Jennifer Epstein (@jeneps) December 1, 2021
Always be closing! what was playing in the speechwriter’s head as they wrote that line….
— Lenny Briscoe (@onekayeighty) December 2, 2021
So the real meaning of Hanukkah is a political slogan.
— Jeff (@jeff_karr) December 2, 2021
Worked in his goofy slogan in a menorah lighting ceremony.
— Steven Groves (@stevegroves) December 2, 2021
That has nothing to do with Hanukkah.
— Joe Pilot, MD (@JoeSilverman7) December 2, 2021
Shameless plug for #BuildBackBetter … didn’t belong here.
— Lady Goodman (@LadyGoodman3) December 2, 2021
Hey he just kidnapped Hanukkah for his stupid bill. Terrrible
— m3875 (@marniehutchinso) December 2, 2021
‘Inspiring’: President Biden unwilling to make a Christmas promise that ‘only Santa Claus’ can keep
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