Everybody knows that CNN’s partisan hackery knows no bounds, but Brian Stelter, host of the ironically titled “Reliable Sources” program, went above and beyond the call of water carrying duty with this doozy of a segment:
Really strange why @benshapiro is included in this segment, which @brianstelter spends minutes hyping as an extraordinarily unfair attack against Biden. Progressives like Cenk Uygur have also repeatedly expressed concern about Biden’s mental faculties.pic.twitter.com/1x3D4Yk81E
— Anthony Leonardi (@TonyDLeonardi) August 9, 2020
You know, the Biden campaign should put that on a bumper sticker: Biden 2020: He can ride a bike!
Stelter’s litmus test for who’s qualified to be President: “Has anyone seen them on a bike lately?” https://t.co/BzEvSK88MT
— Eddie Zipperer (@EddieZipperer) August 10, 2020
Riding a bike? That’s the best you’ve got as an example of Biden having all of his faculties?
— Eric Weiss (@Eric_BIGfund) August 10, 2020
Stelter’s doing his best to carry water for Biden and the Dems but it’s got to be exhausting work.
I'm sorry, but "Biden rode a bike!" is not a good comeback to "Biden is falling apart." My son also rides a bike. He is four, and not qualified to be president. https://t.co/HEH5jnjVEr
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) August 10, 2020
At this point “he can ride a bike” seems to be all they’ve got.
The “Biden can ride a bike” rebuttal was not something I saw coming. This is like a comedy skit
— Trevor (@tdreiling9156) August 10, 2020
Mental sharpness and physical ability are two separate things. Stelter may be mentally sharp, but he’s not physically fit. Biden may be physically fit, but he’s not mentally sharp.
— LeRoiEstMort (@Le_Roi_Est_Mort) August 10, 2020
I've had dementia patients who could (and sometimes did) overpower me. It is not about physical fitness.
— ????? ????? (@sourpatchlyds) August 10, 2020
Well @brianstelter this is awkward… https://t.co/wUgsda8QJC
— Justin Gibson (@therealjusting) August 10, 2020
Brian Stelter crying about 'negative partisanship'.
After 4 years bashing Trump.
What a joke. https://t.co/DOCD7J5CTY
— Herrieschepper (@TedBraak) August 10, 2020
Stelter has zero self-awareness and it just keeps getting worse.
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